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Posts posted by Graziservers

  1. Replace the downstairs router with the with the wireless one then portforward on it. I've never had to port forward through two routers not sure if you can.

    Better yet get your ISP to give you an all in one (modem, router, wireless router)

    But to portforward the address is usually or

    Password and username are sometimes on the router them selves. Not sure how to connect to the second router if you even can, I don't think so.

    Check portforward.com for the username and password if you can't find it.

  2. That is an admin group or an owner group

        prefix: '&f[&3Admin&f]&b '
        - '*'
    Here is a typical default group for my server, yours will be different.
        default: true
        - essentials.list
        - essentials.kit
        - modifyworld.*
        - lagmeter.command.lagmem
        - essentials.msg
        - essentials.message
        - lagmem.*
        - essentials.afk
        - essentials.homes.vip
        - essentials.home.vip
        - essentials.help
        - essentials.sethome.multiple.vip
        - essentials.home.del
        - essentials.delhome
        - essentials.sethome
        - essentials.home.set
        - essentials.tpaccept
        - essentials.tpccept
        - essentials.money.pay
        - essentials.money
        - essentials.tpahere
        - essentials.tpa
        - essentials.back
        - essentials.home
        - essentials.spawn
          rank: '1000'
          default: '1000'

  3. logo.png

    Welcome to our newest edition to the FuryMC family! We are happy to bring a public tekkit server to the community.


    We were a Minecraft community for around a year, We ran a 400 slot server, but unfortunately, it became too much. About two months ago we opened a whitelisted tekkit server, and now we bring you a public server. Our current community ranges from age from 16-53(not a joke). We all love tekkit and we have grown and learned together. We are happy to welcome new players to our little community! We are up and running 24/7 on a dedicated machine with 16 GB of RAM allocated, more will be allocated if needed.

    Our IP: furyserver.com:25566

    Website: http://furyserver.org


    1. We do not grief, raid, or PvP. Period.
    2. You will not be banned for swearing, but, let's keep it cool, people.
    3. Show respect where respect is due. Respect the staff, and do not give them a hard time
    4. We speak English, so you speak English, no exceptions.
    5. Players work hard for their possesions. Treat their creations with respect and do not beg them for things they have worked hard for.


    • Destruction Catalyst
    • Hyperkinectic Lens
    • Catalytic Lens
    • Nuke
    • TNT
    • Industrial TNT
    • Dynamite
    • Sticky Dynamite
    • Cannons
    • RM Furnace
    • Mercurial Eye
    • Colcanite Amulet
    • Evertide Amulet
    • Mining Laser
    • World Anchor
    • Dimensional Anchor
    • Teleport Tether
    • Watch of Flowing Time
    • Ring of Ignition
    • Black Hole Band
    • DM Pedistal


    • Residence
    • MobBountyReloaded
    • PEX
    • DynMap
    • LagMem
    • ChestShop
    • Essentials
    • TekkitCustomizer
    • WorldGuard
    • Votifier


    • 12/17 Added auto ranking system - no condensers before 24 hours of play time

    We hope to see you in-game!

  4. What do you use for permissions. My bet on what happened:

    They logged on before you had a permission plugin this assigning them to no group. When you got the permission plugin it shows they have no group, as it only assigns on first login or by command. Try adding them. If you do not have a permission plugin, get PEX.

  5. I think my YAML spacing may be off? not sure...

    The plugin is acting as if there is no banned items at all.


      ProtectSurfaceFromExplosives: true
      RemoveUUMatterToNonRenewableItemRecipes: false
      - world
      - world_the_end
      - world_nether
        - 27585:2:Divining Rod III:Makes mining trivial, undermining the server economy.
        - 27526:*:Philosopher's Stone:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 27536:*:Swiftwolf's Ring:Calls lightning to injure players even when PvP is off, and the knockback effect enables animal theft.
        - 27556:*:Catalytic Lens:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 27527:*:Destruction Catalyst:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 27530:*:Evertide Amulet:Bypasses anti-grief to place water in protected areas without permission.
        - 126:4:Red Matter Furnace:Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit.
        - 26524:*:Cannon:Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 126:10:Nova Catalyst:Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 126:11:Nova Cataclysm:Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 4095:*:Dimensional Anchor:Can easily crash the server by consuming all hard drive allocation.
        - 7312:*:Tank Cart:Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit.
        - 216:*:Turtle:Bypasses anti-grief to build in protected areas without permission.
        - 150:12:Igniter:Bypasses anti-grief to set fire in protected areas without permission.
        - 214:0:World Anchor:Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server.
        - 7303:*:Anchor Cart:Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server.
        - 213:11:Feed Station:Unattended animal breeding can result in animal overload, severely slowing the server.
        - 7310:*:Tunnel Bore:The Tunnel Bore bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 7308:*:Iron Bore Head:The Tunnel Bore bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 7272:*:Steel Bore Head:The Tunnel Bore bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 7314:*:Diamond Bore Head:The Tunnel Bore bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
        - 173:3:Project Table:May craft banned items which would then be confiscated, wasting your ingredients.
        - 7281:*:Work Cart:May craft banned items which would then be confiscated, wasting your ingredients.
        - 192:1:Industrial Alarm:May be turned up very loud and then hidden or protected to grief players.
        - 192:2:Howler Alarm:May be turned up very loud and then hidden or protected to grief players.
        - 150:7:Frame Motor:Bypasses anti-grief to move blocks into and out of protected areas without permission.
        - 127:*:Dark Matter Pedestal:Fills the server log very quickly when activated, potentially running the server out of storage allocation and causing a crash.
        - 30208:*:Mining Laser:May catch other players on fire even when PvP is off.
        - 223:1:Tesla Coil:May kill other players even when PvP is off.
        - 26498:*:Wooden Hammer:The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
        - 26499:*:Stone Hammer:The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
        - 26500:*:Iron Hammer:The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
        - 26501:*:Diamond Hammer:The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
        - 26502:*:Golden Hammer:The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
        - 27535:*:HyperKinectic Lens
        - 237:*:Nuke:No need for massive explosions
        - 46:*:TNT:No need for any explosions..
        - 239:*:Industrial TNT ^ ^ ^
        - 30215:*:TNT:No need for any explosions..
        - 30214:*:TNT:No need for any explosions..
        - 27538:*:Watch of flowing time. Fucked up item...
        - 27533:*:Ring of Ignition
        - 27532:*:black hole band:No need for any explosions..
        PlacementBanned: []
        WorldBanned: []
        - 126:0:Energy Collector I:Converting renewable energy sources to non-renewable ores undermines the server economy.
        - 126:1:Energy Collector II:Converting renewable energy sources to non-renewable ores undermines the server economy.
        - 126:2:Energy Collector III:Converting renewable energy sources to non-renewable ores undermines the server economy.

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