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About MiniLink

  • Birthday 05/05/1988

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Grass (2/9)



  1. this is realy stupid -.- why we need Java 7 for Tekkit2.1 -.- my server hoster don't have java 7 while it is still beta
  2. THX for this =) now all works fine
  3. is there any patch.log or a mod list or something thas in the yogbox pack for 1.1 ?? in the forum of yogscast yogboy i can't find anything no one know about a update and the main thread ar closed =8 last news about 1.0 and below
  4. come on can no one read here?? this is not TMI this is NEI this are two different mods xD
  5. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 can you explain to me this a little closer, I am not familiar with PEX
  6. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 i found a bug that will make the world unplayable if you place a Energy Condenser and put a Wodden Transport Pipe on any side with an engine and start pumping items out of the Energy Condenser the server will crash and you cant play the map again without removing the Energy Condenser or the Wodden Transport Pipe with mcedit. This bug is only in SMP 17:36:19 [iNFORMATION] Giving xXxMiniLinkxXx 64 of ºfEnergy Condenser 17:36:24 [iNFORMATION] Giving xXxMiniLinkxXx 64 of ºfWooden Transport Pipe 17:36:28 [iNFORMATION] Giving xXxMiniLinkxXx 64 of ºfRedstone Engine 17:36:31 [iNFORMATION] Giving xXxMiniLinkxXx 64 of ºfRedstone Torch 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] java.lang.NullPointerException 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.doMaterialsMatch(ItemStack.java:243) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at ee.TileCondenser.extractItem(TileCondenser.java:539) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipeItemsWood.checkExtract(PipeItemsWood.java:111) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipeItemsWood.doWork(PipeItemsWood.java:90) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.doWork(TileGenericPipe.java:159) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at buildcraft.api.PowerProvider.update(PowerProvider.java:52) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.l_(TileGenericPipe.java:108) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1182) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:534) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:441) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465) 17:37:10 [sCHWERWIEGEND] Unexpected exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.doMaterialsMatch(ItemStack.java:243) at ee.TileCondenser.extractItem(TileCondenser.java:539) at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipeItemsWood.checkExtract(PipeItemsWood.java:111) at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipeItemsWood.doWork(PipeItemsWood.java:90) at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.doWork(TileGenericPipe.java:159) at buildcraft.api.PowerProvider.update(PowerProvider.java:52) at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.l_(TileGenericPipe.java:108) at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1182) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:534) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:441) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465) > and ther is a bug with the advanced wodden transport pipe from Additional Pipes mod. if you try to open the menu (Right klick) you client will crash but i have this bug only in SMP.
  7. This ore is a instable Nether ore if you try to mine it with a pick axe it will be explode but if you mine it with something else or mine it befor it explode you can pick it up but now it is useless this is a bugged ore.
  8. maybe this will help you guys, i hope you can read http://equivalentexchange.wikispaces.com/
  9. Re: Tekkit 2.0 SMP EE2 FIX Her is another Fix for EE2 if you don't have any sounds from EE2 you need to install Risugami's Audiomod Download the Audiomod Here (adf.ly) or Here (Direct) and open the zip file with winrar now go to C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin and open the modpack.jar with winrar simply drag and drop all files from Audiomod to the modpack.jar and you are done. Now you have sounds from EE2 i hope this help some people USER WAS PUT ON PROBATION FOR THIS POST. DO. NOT. POST. ADF.LY. LINKS. HERE. NEVER. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,44.0.html
  10. Hello My Frend and I have a problem to config the Memory to allocate in the launcher. My Frend can only set up to 1.5 Gb but i can see all. but i have thr problem if i set 4GB the launcher make 3GB if i set 8GB the launcher make 4GB and if i set 16GB the launcher make 5GB. the other settings i don't have tested. but the problem is we can't set the correkt Memory to allocate. here some screenshots 4GB 8GB 16GB
  11. Re: Tekkit 2.0 SMP EE2 FIX thx for the information =) my launcher don't have show me an update but after deleting and redownloading the Tekkit version i looks fine thx but i have still the problem that the Nova Catalyst and Nova Cataclysm have no world effekt they only disapere if they explode.
  12. Hello All I have see that in the Tekkit version 2.0 are EE2 is installed but it is the wrong version it is 1.29 i have test it in SSP and SMp and found many bugs Post in the Bug section http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,1824.0.html and i Have found a solution about this. You only need to delet the old version of EE2 in your Client side Folder found at C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\mods EE2ModV1.29 and install the new version Equivalent Exchange 2 - v1.38 Download EE2 v1.38 Here and unzip it, now copy and paste the folder mods and resources to your Tekkit Folder C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\
  13. go to your technik/tekkit folder at (C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\) and open the mod_CI.txt with wordpad now you need to edit it like this. # Configure key/mouse combinations for actions: # Seperate multiple combinations with , # each combination must consist of a mouse button and an arbitrary # amount of keyboard keys. The mouse button is defined by "M#" with # # being the number 0 (left button), 1 (right button), 2 (middle button), aso. # This [url]http://www.lwjgl.org/javadoc/constant-values.html#org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.KEY_1[/url] is # a list of all possible keyboard keys you can use for your combinations. # The New SORT_MAC allows users without a middle mouse button such as the Apple Magic Mouse # to sort their inventories easily. The Combination Is S+Left Click and yes sort is Middle Click # ©Copyright Alexander Edwards(ShadowAlex1, SmartModding) 2012 #MOVE_ONE_AND_STACK = 29 M0, 157 M0 #MOVE_ONE = 29 M1, 157 M1 #MOVE_STACK_AND_STACK = 42 M0, 54 M0 #MOVE_STACK = 42 M1, 54 M1 #MOVE_ALL_AND_STACK = 56 M0, 184 M0 #MOVE_ALL = 56 M1, 184 M1 #SORT = M2 #DROP_ONE = 16 M0 #DROP_STACK = 16 M1 #DROP_ALL = 42 16 M0, 54 16 M0 #NORMAL_LEFT_CLICK = M0 #NORMAL_RIGHT_CLICK = M1 #SORT_MAC = 31 M0 now are all keyconfigs disabled
  14. ok i see no one read my first post so i will close this thopic i will see if the new version is relesed if i can install it or not.
  15. Hey stop it all guy's. Have you read my first post ?? ist there any question about (will you implement this mod) or ( how can i fill some stuff ) ?? i only want to know are there some FREE ID'S in in the NEW TEKKIT VERSION. i will install this mod and some more but i need to know how much ID's are left. and i have see EE2 now have SMP support so i will try to install this mod too but to do this i need to know how much ID's i can use.
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