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About aj45

  • Birthday 09/02/1993

aj45's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Lets eat grandma
  2. I tested it in game. Copper ore was producing copper dust with an occasional bit of gold dust. It's just not happening frequently because the percentage is low.
  3. I would think that if they're able to be changed via the lexicon, that they would also produce the same results as TE ores in the pulverizer. If the pulverizer recipes were not made using ore dictionary entries, the items would simply not pulverize. I'll mess around with things and see if the ores are giving byproduct when they pulverize. The default copper ore is producing gold occasionally in addition to copper when being pulverized. There is just a low chance of it happening.
  4. I'm trying to start a tekkit 3.1.2 multiplayer server and for some reason I get errors and the server will not start. Any information on how to fix this problem would be very helpful. Apparently there is a problem with the Nether ores and at the end of the command prompt the last line is "... 7 more". I am running a windows seven OS and I'm using the technic launcher

    1. aj45


      I would suggest simply removing Nether Ores from your mods folder. It's not a major game-changing mod and that's the only way I know to fix that particular issue. I'm sure if you dug around the forum a bit, you may be able to find a better solution though.

  5. Yau reolize thot everything wauld be reolly onnaying ta reod ond ore driven mod. I wish I cauld understond oll farms af cammunicotian.
  6. Your finger heals quickly, but then is severed in an accident. I wish I would always have the exact amount of money I need.
  7. I've actually taken a look at his code and it's taught me quite a few things. I have a private modpack that I use and I coded a little something that adds minium stone recipes to the redpower ores for convenience.
  8. Not only is it a rule, but he's been warned a couple times for it. I'm curious to see how this goes.
  9. They come back to life, but they're all pissed off and grumpy as if being woken from a deep sleep. I wish for true happiness.
  10. Dude, you should totally post more clapping gifs. Everyone will love it!
  11. Pahimar has said that he's stopped work on EE2 in order to work on EE3 (and his Let's Mod series on YouTube). If I'm not mistaken he will not be making the code for EE2 available for anyone else to update. The Equivalent Exchange thread on the Minecraft Forum has more information if you want to check it out.
  12. hey i was wondering if the Technic Team would be adding portal gun to any of the modpacks? i absolutely love that mod and also love the Technic modpacks, so i wih they were combined.

    1. aj45


      I don't know the answer for sure as I'm not a part of the Technic Team, but the author of the Portal Gun mod, iChun, has only given permission to Arrg and Slowpoke to use his mod in packs so probably not.

  13. i have java 7 installed and when the technic launcher comes up it lets me log in but then it crashes and white screens any help with that please

    1. aj45


      Can you provide any more information? Which operating system are you using? Pastebin a log?

    2. kurtis busby

      kurtis busby

      im using windows xp my laptop is a 32 bit and it just freezes it doesnt let me do anything i have to turn my laptop of because my full system crashes ?? and what do you mean a log kinda new to computers ???

  14. Glad to see you've found something that works. Would be great if you were able to find out why quarries are causing you to crash, but I guess being able to play again is sufficient for now.
  15. Try turning off your quarry and then going through a portal. Changing dimensions always causes a server-side check. If no crash, it is related to the buildcraft quarry and not server-side checks. I can't say what would need to be done next, but it would help at least.
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