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Everything posted by YadMelons

  1. Admin Application: Yes? Ingame name:YadMelons1 Age:13 Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): MONKEYSSSS (if it doesnt work then ill add you if you want) Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):Yad How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?:I been playing for months my guess it 3 months How would you rate your reputation on the server: 1000/10 :3 *Scenario Testing* Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?: I would look in there invo and watch them for a while Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?:I would spy on them to see if there not lieing How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?: Ether tempban or Tell iwant....tehe Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?:No that would be abusing Timezone:US central (usa)
  2. This is a awesome server Staff are really nice NO lag at all and there 2 worlds pvp world and non pvp world ( you start in non pvp world)
  3. IGN:YadMelons1 Why do you want to be a moderator? I been playing on this server for a long time and i will help alot of people (unless they dont want my help aor if they keep attacking me) and i want to be mod How would you moderate the server? By helping people keeping the server safe and Make sure people following the rules and help people is they need it. What is your experience as a moderator? I been Mod's on differnt servers some one normal but those server i been mod on are not up anymore What Timezone are you in? Us central (usa) This is a Mod apply
  4. Hello Iwant and poke whats up? IWANT RUN THE SERVER or else.....> P.S im talking like a admin >
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