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Tekkit Server with Hamachi Problems


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I made a tekkit server with hamachi and with no plugins. Me and my friend were playing and we could only craft things that were not from a mod. We tried to make carpenter block and i couldent craft it. I really hope someone answers as it is a big problem not being able to craft things from mods. Please help. Help will be much appreciated  :goleft:

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Keep in mind that you don't need Hamachi to play Minecraft (modded or not) over the Internet. A simple DynDNS resolver like the free service from No-IP is basically all you need to avoid having to tell your IP all the time.


As for the problem, you very likely started the wrong server. Use the launch script (launch.bat on Windows, launch.sh on Unix/Linux/MacOS) for starting the server to avoid this. Right now, you are running a vanilla server and your generated world is without any mod blocks or ores. Better start over once you fixed it.


And next time, take your issue to the tracker.

Edited by Curunir
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