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Custom Modpack Server Crash


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  • Discord Moderator
  • You shouldn't include CoFHLib in your pack. That's for developers.
  • You should not include IC2 API jar in your pack.That's for developers.
  • You should not include Resonant Engine API in your pack. That's for developers.
  • Why have you included two minimap mods in your pack?
  • You have the MetaWorlds installer instead of the actual mod files in your mods folder.
  • I'm getting this error from ResonantInductionCore:
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: resonantinduction$archaic$engineering$TileEngineeringTable$$iconTop

The implication is that something funky is going on with the Calclavia mods. It is very easy to get his mods out of sync.


I was able to start the server by removing these mods. All but Calclavia's mods are client-only mods which must be removed on a server:

  • Calclavia's: MFFS, RE Core, RI
  • ArmorStatusHUD
  • DamageIndicators
  • BackTools
  • APIs which should be removed: CoFHLib, IC2 API, RE API
  • DynamicLights
  • LiteLoader
  • voxelMap
  • WE wrapper
  • NEI Integration
  • REI Minimap
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