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I've built my first modpack (or tried to), and the only results I can get are launching into vanilla, launching and immediately going back to the launcher, or saying it failed to copy a file.  I've done it from scratch following several different Youtube tutorials and seem to be at a standstill.  I have the correct MC version selected and the most recent version of fore 1.7.10 (1291).  I'm fairly confident all the mods are up to date.  I was hoping someone that knows more about what they're doing to look through everything and help guide me to the source(s) of the problem.  Right now its in a state where it launches immediately back into the launcher.  I'm sure more information is needed from me but I'll wait to see exactly what it is before I go hunting for it.  Thanks in advance!


  • Discord Moderator
  • Some of your mods are named in the format ModName-1.7.10.jar. Almost no authors name their mods in that manner. The implication is that you aren't getting your mods from the author's distribution channels/methods. Specifically, CustomNPCs and OpenBlocks.
  • You have the OpenBlocks mod but not the dependency mod OpenModsLib.
  • Your version of CodeChickenCore ( does not match the version of NEI ( Get the latest versions of both from the mod author.
  • You have Tinker's Construct but not the dependency mod Mantle.
  • You have CoFHCore and Thermal Expansion, but are missing the dependency mod Thermal Foundation. You'll need to get the current, matching versions from the mod authors.

Correct these issues and come back here if you are still having troubles.

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