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  • Discord Moderator

Looks to be more of an issue related to Ender Storage (another ChickenBones mod):

        at codechicken.enderstorage.storage.item.TileEnderChest.reloadStorage(TileEnderChest.java:98)
        at codechicken.enderstorage.common.TileFrequencyOwner.func_70312_q(TileFrequencyOwner.java:33)

The crash report does list a specific location for the ender chest. Possibly something intended to receive the output of a quarry (which loads its own chunks)? You might try removing the quarry and/or chest using MCEdit if the server crashes anytime the chunk is loaded.

  • Discord Moderator

It is really dependent on how it happened in the first place.


Things you might investigate:

  • Were there any related crashes?
  • When or how often did the server hard-terminate?
  • Has the disk holding the server ever filled up?
  • How are you doing your backups?
  • How often are you doing a world-save?
  • How many concurrent players do you have that warrants having 16G allocated to the server?


It is really dependent on how it happened in the first place.


Things you might investigate:

  • Were there any related crashes?

There was a crash here is the relevant log http://pastebin.com/ugsK5Mxd

  • When or how often did the server hard-terminate?

Not sure what this is?

  • Has the disk holding the server ever filled up?

Not that I am aware of

  • How are you doing your backups?

Backups are run once per 24 hours via a backup script and stored on external ftp backup storage

  • How often are you doing a world-save?

World save every 10 minutes

  • How many concurrent players do you have that warrants having 16G allocated to the server?

We don't really have that many players maybe like 5-15 but I have a dedicated server and plenty of RAM available so it should be no issue dedicating this much RAM?


  • Discord Moderator

Believe it or not, allocating more RAM to the server (or client, for that matter) than one needs is usually a bad idea. All the unnecessary RAM can cause the garbage collector to work harder that it should at times resulting in funky lag spikes and odd behavior. It's usually a good idea to start low and work your way up as needed.


By hard-terminate, I just mean hang/crash/improper shutdown. Basically, instances where the internal server logic processes hung and the data on persistent storage (i.e. hard drive) can become inconsistent.


Does anyone have any idea what this error means?


[sEVERE] java.io.IOException: Stream Closed
[sEVERE] at java.io.RandomAccessFile.seek(Native Method)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFile.func_76712_a(RegionFile.java:347)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFile.func_76706_a(RegionFile.java:262)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFileChunkBuffer.close(SourceFile:232)
[sEVERE] at java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.close(DeflaterOutputStream.java:241)
[sEVERE] at java.io.FilterOutputStream.close(FilterOutputStream.java:160)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75821_a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:314)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75814_c(AnvilChunkLoader.java:299)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.func_75736_b(ThreadedFileIOBase.java:39)
[sEVERE] at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.run(ThreadedFileIOBase.java:27)
[sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

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