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Launcher Disappears then Reappears


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I recently made a custom 1.7.10 mod pack but when I hit the play button it looks like it loads, disappears, and then reappears. I have tested all of the mods in the actual minecraft launcher and they all worked together so it is a problem with the launcher. I have also made another 1.6.4 mod pack that works fine so it might be a problem with a 1.7.10. Any help would be appreciated!

Here are the links to my Technic Pack Download and the Drop box.

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  • Discord Moderator
  • Your pack settings indicate a 1.7.10 modpack but you have included the 1.6.4 version of Forge.
  • You should not be including the /journeymap/ folder in your pack. This will overwrite local player options when the pack updates.
  • You should be using the latest beta of AE2rv2.
  • You should not be including the IC2 API in your pack.
  • Millenaire mod is not installed correctly. Open the ZIP and follow the author's instructions.
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Thank you those problems cleared up the issue I had with it disappearing than reappearing. Now I for some reason have a new issue, the launcher will disappear and then the minecraft loading screen will start then for some reason it crashes and goes back to the launcher. I have retested it in the real minecraft launcher and it worked fine even with all the mod changes. Thanks in advance!

New link to Dropbox

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  • Discord Moderator

You should be using the Forge universal binary JAR file.

As for your pack, I am able to add it to my launcher and start the pack. If you are not able to do so please provide your logs (crash-report, FML logs, etc.) in a pastebin service and put the link here.

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I do not know how to add more memory and if you could tell me that would be great. I did however find the problem, I had a old version of java like version 7u75 and it was 32 bit even though my computer is 64. So I updated to the new java version 8u40 and it is know working but I would still like to know how to get more memory!

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  • Discord Moderator

That's not going to be enough to launch a pack of that size. You'll need to allocate 2G. I also highly recommend setting your Launcher to close after starting a pack and keep as few other things running as possible. You only have 4G of RAM total and between the custom modpack and Windows there won't be a lot left over.

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