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Mods top 50


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Hello there,

I want to release a good first (maybe second or third) modpack, I'm used to release minor working modpacks, but a big one is a wish. The only thing I need is good mods. I want all of you to reply and come with good mods. They do need a restriction: NO MINOR MOD LIKE OPTIFINE, MINIMAPS AND TMI!!!! ONLY MODS LIKE ASSASSINS CRAFT AND PORTAL GUN!!!. After all replies, I'll create a poll with 100 of the mods (if there aren't so much replies, I'll think of them myself), and you vote for the best! The best 50 will be sorted and be put in modpacks.

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In my experience, the smaller mods are what make good modpacks good, so excluding them is shooting yourself in the foot. Take the example of IC2 back in the good old days. It was pretty big but frankly rather mediocre, but with enough addons (MFFS, Advanced Machines, Advanced Solars, Charging Bench, etc) it was a great ecosystem for a great modpack. Sometimes they also make things that just seem to be missing from the game - for example, obsidian pressure plates.

I'd second the suggestion that you should include NEI. It lets you get the recipe for things instantly without leaving the game - that's vastly easier than the alternative of switching to a Web browser, searching, clicking a link, and scrolling to a recipe. Some mods don't have wikis anymore, so the alternative to NEI is not knowing how to use them.

I (and, judging from the most popular packs I've played, almost everyone else) am quite attached to minimaps, so unless you plan to include some other form of navigation aid I'd include one. Building a base and never being able to find it again is no fun.

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