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[1.6.4][Coldfusionz][PvE][10+ slots][Whitelist][Custom bloatcraftpack]Tropico/Banana Republic Themed Private Pack Server

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Greetings from an exotic tropical island. 

We're currently running somewhat exotic "banana-republic" themed 
personal server group. And that's why we want YOU. 

We're looking for 3 qualified candidates to join us. 
It IS a requirement to have Steam and, temporarily, Hamachi
We are NOT running 24/7 and are only running at times when we can 
coordinate and play together. We're running on a custom Technic Launcher
pack, and it should be very easy to connect.

Potential Candidates should contact algo160 on Steam, and be sure to have the following ready:
 - What sets you apart from other candidates?
 - Why do you think you will be helpful and fun to play with us
 - What experience with mods and mod packs do you have
 - How long have you been playing. Give us a brief history
 - Be honest, what are you flaws and weaknesses
 - Will you follow the lawful orders of both "El Presidentes"?
 - In game, do you prefer Growthcraft Sake or Ale?
 - If you play Tropico, who's your favorite character. 
 No we won't put you in a GuLAg. If you have no sense of humor, these questions are mostly for fun and to get to know you.

Edited by algo160
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Better, though you still need to post a pack link. Technically a server address is required too, but I personally ignore that for small whitelisted servers.


I'm personally interested in seeing what mix of mods you have for this. Tropico is a rather unique theme for a pack/server.

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