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[3.1.2]The Oils of Oasis[PvE][75 slots][Greylist][iConomy][TreeAssist][QuickBench][No EE]

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Looking for fun times, great people, and good memories? Then The Oils of Oasis may be the place for you! Founded by experienced Minecraft Server administrators. We've managed servers for the last 3 years and are excited to add Tekkit to our portfolio.

On our server, we attempt to keep the element of challenge you experience in single player mode; allowing you to have a feeling of accomplishment when you complete a huge Project. Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to keep the server running 24/7 and prevent griefing, but still leave most of features intact for players and disable as little items as possible. We fixed almost all major bugs and exploits.

Unlike some servers, we place no limits on functionality regardless of donation status. While we are trying to determine non-game-breaking perks for donators that help keep the server funded, almost all perks and restricted items are available through time-based ranks achievable through time spent on the server.

The server is extremely community-based. All significant changes are discussed with our members and members are encouraged to post plugin and mod suggestions on our forums!

We are striving to be the best Survival Tekkit out there, so hop on, see what you think and give us some feedback! Things are constantly evolving




Stroll on over to the

Technic Launcher website and download the latest client.

We're currently running Tekkit v3.1.2, which is supported by Launcher v3.1.2.

Once downloaded, run the launcher and select Tekkit from the list of modpacks from top left dropdown.

Click "Options" and manually select Client v3.1.2.

Sign on and join us at OasisOils.net!

The server is a Grey-List. There is a quiz to allow building rights. If you fail, you will be banned and will have to request to be unbanned via our forums so a staff member can speak with you and make sure our rules are understood.








We have something for almost everyone! (No creative at the moment)

There are plans on adding Mob arenas, a multitude of PVP arenas with rewards.

NPCs & Quests


For a complete, updated list of server rules, please visit the list on our forums


Hacks and client mods that provide an advantage are forbidden and will result in a ban (Unless of course, those mods are a part of Tekkit).

Respect the staff (Moderators / Admins). They are here to maintain the server and community, and do it because they want to.

Respect your fellow players. Any kind of serious discrimination or disrespect will result in a ban.

Do not request materials, time/weather changes or teleports from Admins / Moderators.

Please report any server/mod issues found via the forums to ensure best experience.

PvP is currently allowed at night. We ask you respect people within their property.

No duping. If you find an issue that allows you to dupe, report it!

Disable all machines before logging out!

Quarry holes must be covered up.

Griefing and theft are prohibited.


EE has been removed.

Block Breakers cannot break cobble.

Many items have crafting disabled in order to sell them through the economy or add them as time-based ranks. This is still being put through it's paces, but will be updated here once firmed up.


We have a number of fun and gameplay enhancing plugins installed, and we're always looking for more/better!

Some of the currently installed plugins include:






You can access our Live Dynmap





You can access our forums



Updated images coming soon!

We were forced to pack up and move to a new map.

Spawn/Trade hub in it's current state:


Infinity Bay, a Server-sponsored City





does this server has anti grief plugin for player use? i dont mean rollback of griefs ok..

what im talking about is land protection (like towny,faction or residence)


  "Nyaharoe said:
does this server has anti grief plugin for player use? i dont mean rollback of griefs ok..

what im talking about is land protection (like towny,faction or residence)

Actually adding Residence back in right now.


Ok so I failed the Spawn test because of "Is Pvp allowed"! THIS IS NOT SPECIFIC! It says that its not allowed during the day but allowed during the Night... So I guessed and I was wrong... Thats the servers fault not mine be MORE SPECIFIC with the questions! And now im banned...


  "GamerOfReality said:
Ok so I failed the Spawn test because of "Is Pvp allowed"! THIS IS NOT SPECIFIC! It says that its not allowed during the day but allowed during the Night... So I guessed and I was wrong... Thats the servers fault not mine be MORE SPECIFIC with the questions! And now im banned...

You missed a total of 3 questions. You joined and argued about everything possible. You have been voted off the island.


Fuck this I didnt argue. I just said Redstone generator isnt specific either... Generator can be many purposes not just EU... So that way I was right and like I said the Pvp question is not specific at all...


Please refer to the "How To Join" section in the above posting:

The server is a Grey-List. There is a quiz to allow building rights. If you fail, you will be banned and will have to request to be unbanned via our forums so a staff member can speak with you and make sure our rules are understood.

It was decided this was the best approach to allowing people to join and play when/if staff members aren't present or busy, allowing us to have a sense of ease and keeping the rif-raf out that refuse to read. If something was misunderstood, as stated previously, you're more than welcome to appeal on our forums...or continue being disgruntled. Either way, arguing with the owner isn't a good way to start out.

While it wasn't included as question included as part of the test, for your information, here's what a redstone engine generator is:

Hope that helped



Sry if I caused you problems but I dont like being banned for failing a quiz and having it go on my record... I would like to retake the quiz if you would let me. I was just too lazy to click the Link for banned items, because one of the questions I did get wrong was something about MkII. Thank you for you time, It would be great to try ad retake the quiz


Well, you don't have to worry about it getting added to your "record". We don't use mcbans (I would never support Firestar) or the like, and if we did, it'd only be a local ban - as it's just our prefered method of grey-listing our server. We figure if someone really wants to be unbanned, they'd have read the intro post and responded to the ban accordingly.

TIP: There's a hint somewhere above.


I saw what happened Renegade while I was at work (love my Admin App). I've had a chat with the staff about a certain lack of professionalism some have had. Thanks for your concern. Please let me know going forward if you have any issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice. I've been using my brother's account and they don't laugh at you for dying from falling a tree or asking too many questions =). Did read the rules carefully and found out i had to do a quiz q-q,,, i think I got one wrong >.< but never the less very nicely done =). The questions wasn't very easy but wasn't very hard xD. ^^ it gives me the feeling of people are around me but I can still play alone by myself ..... and claim a forest >:D

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