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No Modpacks Work - Crashes Back to Launcher



Today I have been attempting to open EZ Pixelmon. It's loaded just fine, then it exits the launcher to get ready to pop up with the actual game, only for it to crash back out to the launcher again. Doesn't even show a minecraft window or anything - the launcher leaves, waits a few seconds, then pops back up because the game didn't work. (I know it's not a modpack issue because I tried launching several different ones to get the same result.)

I'm assuming it's something to do with me installing the latest java update to my computer, since I did that this morning and only today am I having that issue. Unfortunately, I'm not really sure where to go from this point. Would it just be best for me to revert back to an older java version until it's fixed? I'm not sure and could use any help I can get. Thank you!



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Ahhhh my apologies still new to this. ;-;

I see the log for today and it's a huge wall of text.... Uh. Is it a log of every attempt I've made to open something? Because I'm not sure how to differentiate or something. I'm honestly still so new to all of this stuff I'm so lost sorry.

EDIT;; I realize this would sound super confusing. Ugh. What I mean is you don't want me to put the whole log for today's date in a pastebin right? What parts do I then need to put in the pastebin? It's all just a massive wall of text for me that I don't understand.

Edited by Faelyix
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I can see two errors in here, one of them was a glitch in the platform (that was fixed earlier today and should work fine now)

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://solder.technicpack.net/api/modpack/?include=full..

and the other (main) reason why you can't play any modpacks is

org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated

and this basically means that your pc has no valid graphic drivers installed and is running on the basic ones which are not enough to run a modpack.

You need to find out what kind of graphic card do you have (the model and the manufacturer). Download and install the appropriate drivers for that card.

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@CanVox - Oh uh my bad sorry... Here you go. http://paste.ubuntu.com/12241303/

@bochen415 - That's... odd... I haven't changed anything to my computer that would cause that. It's been playing pixelmon just fine ever since I installed it. Also I can't really change the graphics card because I'm going from a laptop... And while I know it's on its last legs it's still going strong enough to play minecraft mods semi-well. :S

Edited by Faelyix
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I looked at what they said and tried to fix my drivers and such but... It just won't work... Intel Driver Update Utility scans my computer and can't find any drivers. So it can't make changes. So I'm stuck. Wow I hate my laptop so much more now.

Thank you for trying anyways.

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