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The launcher either not starting, or limited...



Hey guys.

Sorry if it's the wrong sub forum.

My problem is that I wanted to play with some modpacks again, so I downloaded the launcher, installed java (32bit and 64bit), just to see that I cannot allocate more than 1gb of ram to minecraft.

I deleted both versions completely, only installed 64bit version, then I'm getting java runtime environment not found error.

With 32bit, it works just fine, but then again.. Stuck with only 1gb.

A few months ago it used to work just fine.
I'm running windows 10 professional, obviously 64bit version.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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the parameters are empty on mine, so that's not an issue.

Perhaps the system is still referring to an old java version that has been uninstalled and doesn't recognize the new installed java. it has happened to me when I uninstalled and installed several times without restarting my PC.

this means you need to refer the path for java manually.

Click on your Computer

Right-click it and choose Properties

Now there should be a line to the left with a yellow/blue shield "Advanced system settings". Click it

A new window will pop up. In there should be a button called "Environmentvariables". Click it

a third window will pop up. two boxes called Uservariables and Systemvariables should be shown. Scroll down on Systemvariables and find the Path. DO NOT EDIT THIS YET!


Now, go look for where java is installed. On mine it is C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin (note that I'm on Windows 7 Home. your Windows 10 might place java elsewhere!)

take note that I specified the last path as \jre7\bin

you need to copy the pathway/ adress to bin and paste it onto PATH on systemvariables. DON'T REMOVE any of the other lines there! Just edit it in with a ; at the end of the line. Don't put any space between. All the lines there are written directly with only a ; inbetween them


if you did this properly, try starting the launcher



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