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[1.7.10] Really Annoying Crash - Can't Figure it Out

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Alright so I am running into this really annoying crash. I can't for the life of me figure it out. The crash occurs when a player dies. Once they die and click respawn they are sent back to spawn like normal. No problem however they are frozen and locked in place. In order to regain control of their character they have to log out and log back in. Now I took this a step further and tried to figure out what was causing this. So I tried a variety of things and finally discovered that if I try to open my inventory while in this state my client crashes with this log:


Now I have no idea where that is coming from. The only 118 ID I have is a potion and is in AM2 and I changed that just to see if that would fix it and the crash still occurs with the exact same error. It is apparently some type of rendering issue. So then I took it a step further and looked to see if I can find anything else out. Sure enough I discovered that after you respawn if you go into 3rd person your character does not render. You are invisible, and frozen. And then if you open your inventory. You crash. If you log out and log back in though your fine. Before we discuss the obvious like you have old version of mods and what not, I would just like to say this has started rather recently and randomly and the pack has not changed much in way of mods. So maybe if anyone has ideas on what is causing this and which mod may be responsible it will be easier.

So any help is appreciated. 

Here is a link to the modpack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/nsp-fairytail.654111



I'm sure you have already checked the clients log, but just in case there's something important there would you mind uploading it, it sounds like a mod is trying to call some sort of gui menu effect or render effect upon respawning, so I immediately thought if soul fray from blood magic, but that doesn't seem to be it. If I have time I'll setup a server on my test machine with the pack, and you don't happen to be running a build of KCauldron higher than 152 do you? It could possibly be a plugin trying to to something client side as well, but that seems less likely since it seems to freeze the player still



I also tested this on KCauldron-1.7.10-1492.155. Same issues and I checked out the client log and only found the semi-same message.

Here is the client log: http://pastebin.com/gcAPdqw8

You can see the issue popped up right at the bottom after I died. I also thought it could be a plugin however the plugins didn't change. The issue just started happening. I actually removed a bunch of plugins no longer in use and the issue still exists. I also assume it has something to do with Mods as opposed to plugins. However as they say when trying to solve a problem leave no stone un-turned. Here is a list of all the plugins in use. 


Posted (edited)

@HalestormXV After some testing with this pack and a fresh server I found that adding DragonAPI to the pack will stop the crashes, I believe its because you actually had more potion ids assigned than forge would allow, and DragonAPI raises this limit. Forge by default only allows 128 for potions, and when doing and NEI data dump it showed there being 139 potions. Let me know if that fixes the issue or if that was just an issue on my end that I fixed.

Edited by TerdyTheTerd

thanks Terdy, I responded to you on MC Forums but I will repost it here too as I see this issue is quite common with 1.7.10 kCauldron implementations.


Decent read on my theory why this occurred.

Nipped this one in the butt. I am gunna reply to you on Technic as well as this seems to be a serious issue across all 1.7.10 servers. So thanks to your help it has been resolved. Here is how you can resolve it.


The error is caused by as we originally knew a potion ID array extending beyond the boundaries. Sure enough the potion effect was indeed from Blood Magic, the Soul Flay or Fray. Many mods do expand the potion array to 128 as we have discussed, however few mods expand it correctly. So in order to resolve this issue I took a potion extension plugin. This correct the issue relating to the render issue. However as you state a new error creeps up. This error, after doing some research and using some of my own code knowledge, seems to pop up because the server does not like when you break the array boundary, as it effects other things that stay within this boundary. In the particular case of this error (the one you linked above), by extending the potion array it is somehow connected to signs. (I have no idea how)


So that error is caused by signs having too many characters, or having user names that have too many bytes; that and Minecraft cannot handle it. My theory is that the potion array uses bytes also. So by extending the array we overwrite a class that call out to a byte reader which as you guessed it is used in signs to display proper information. How to be rectify this issue? We download a patch SamistineSignFix. Now how does this help? Well kCauldron is an implementation of Spigot, Bukkit, and Forge all wrapped in one. That is a double-edged sword. That means that whatever issues exist in the other software may exist if not be worse in kCauldron. However the reverse is also true. Whatever issues exist can be fixed generally by plugins.


So that was a super long winded explanation but it made me happy to figure it out and I see that a variety of people have also come across this issue. And I am happy to report that so far *knock on wood* both the render crash as well as the netty error have both been resolved in a case of Plugin needing a Mod and Mod needing a Plugin to become compatible with one another.


TDLR: This error is caused by an extension of a potion array -> Download a Mod to Extend the Array the correct way -> Download the Patch so that the byte class that is called out to, to extend the potion array doesn't also break the signs and player names that use the same class.


Glad to see it's resolved, I had actually stumbled across that SignFix thing but without reading what it did I just assumed it was used for deleting signs :/ so I didn't take another glance at it

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