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launcher wont work



Launcher Version: newest one

Operating System: 64 bit operating system

Java Version: java 64 bit

Antivirus Program: anti-virus free edition

Description of Problem:

when i run the launcher it says unhandled exception occurred in your application. if you click contuie the applitcation will ignore this error and attempt to continue if you click quit the application will close immediatly

Error Messages:

Error Log:

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3 answers to this question

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Hmm, based on this bug report, I can tell that

  • He's a time traveler, he has the launcher version 9.2.3
  • He uses a future system far more better than Window, Mac and Linux together: 64 Bits.
  • He is using a really old version of Java. Java 1 must be how poor people install their java.
  • He has an anti-virus that blocks virus for free. Probably in the future, free anti-virus programs are probably common.
  • When he tries to run the launcher in the past, the launcher prevents him from going into the future. Then the 64 bits will prevent him from going back into the past. Making him unable to time travel anymore. Then, he doesn't have any money, so he's going to die in the street or get mugged by poorer people.
  • Based on his anti-virus program, viruses from the past can destroy his computer, since the future anti-virus cannot prevent it.

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