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guitar band hero tour 17 for the PC?


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Can't say I've played that particular game but I have played Frets on Fire, basically a PC version of those titles. The only issue I had with them was the timing being a bit off and some of the note blocks not making total sense in terms of the track. I ended up buying a 360 in order to mod it to extend its life due to the terrible internal design and got Rock Band Beatles with it. Played it to death. Really depends on whether your looking for the experience of the actual Rock band titles or if you just want the rhythm game experience. If the latter than the pc game might work for you just fine.

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Well, my thing is this: that program is free, so if it's good, i'll get an Xbox 360 so that all my peripherals will be USB and have readily available drivers for windows. However, im not really a fan of any of the 360 exclusives, so if that doesn't enter in to it, i'm going to get a PS3 instead. (i thought frets on fire was awful btw)

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If you'd find yourself playing the ps3 exclusives more than the 360 ones than I'd say grab the 360. I agree that Frets on Fire is not very well made so I have doubts for that game you linked. If you ever needed one of the xbox controllers for your pc you could always buy one separately as well. The guitars aren't to much and Razer sells an xbox 360 control specifically for pc with macro buttons.

I personally have a ps2 and didn't have much interest in the newer titles for ps3, plus i prefer the 360 control to the playstation one.

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