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industrialcraft with redpower pneumatc tubes?


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yes it can work just fine. the thing to remember is that the ore/dust goes in the top, and comes out the sides. also, for the furnace, the fuel goes in the bottom.

so you just have the chest, a transposer/filter pulling items out and sending them to the top of the macerator, another transposer/filter on the side of the macerator pulling items out and sending them to the top of the furnace, followed by yet another transposer/filter pulling items out of the side of the furnace and into the other chest.

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The chest is where your dust/ores would go, which are put into the top of the furnace. They're taken out by a filter/transposer (filter takes stacks, transposer takes items 1-by-1). The filter/transposer take a redstone single to pull out items, so you'll also need a timer and some redstone/red alloy wire. The transposer/filter on the right then takes out the ingots and they'll go into the chest. You may also want a lever to disable the timer when you're not using it.

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