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Before I Post my Server Ad...


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I am hosting a server which I hope to advertise which is based on groups of people teaming up to establish their "kingdom". At this moment I have it whitelisted where a few people have started and some who are looking for helpers. I have permissions set where there is "Default" permissions which allows a player to join the world but not have the ability to destroy or build.

If I take the whitelist down, should I post in the Open Server section even though those who join will not have permissions to build? The point of Default is to allow the player to apply directly to the kingdom leader in game rather than have me stick people wherever. Is it still considered Whitelisting even if I take that down?

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Yes, all Greylisted servers go in the Open Servers section. If you take it down then I think it would be open, but if you still have it in place where you have to apply to something before you actually do anything, then I think that is still greylisting.

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alright thanks, didn't want any marks against me =)

"Greylisted" servers, even those (with no whitelist) that use permissions or such to prevent someone from doing anything, go in the whitelist servers section. There's a post about it at the top of the server sections.

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for future reference, don't listen to anybody with a pink username.

And your server sounds very interesting, is it peaceful or warlike? Having kingdom wars would be a hell of a lot more interesting, but peaceful kingdoms would get boring too quickly. Although if you converted it to an RP server, peaceful wouldn't get boring....

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Ah Ok, thanks for clarifying for the correcting answer

And your server sounds very interesting, is it peaceful or warlike?

(Sad, can't even quote right)

My goal was the server to be somewhat warlike between kingdoms, but due to bad organization skills as a "b"admin, kingdoms already started and also they spread out more than I was hoping for, so not a fight for resources (not to mention the lack of people). I'm attempting to revive that thought though, hopefully get it right. I have a whole new respect for those who create these larger servers.

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for future reference, don't listen to anybody with a pink username.

I'm sorry Miniboxer, I forgot in which board the Greylisted servers post said that you were supposed to go to. I was pretty sure it was Open Servers, but I guess I am wrong. I know I should have checked it again just to make sure I was giving him correct information, but my head was not thinking straight at the time. And for some of the threads that I post in, I give correct and accurate advice, so please don't think of me as "Hey look everybody! This guy's a Helen Keller! Just ignore what he says, because they're all stupid!" I really hate people with that attitude. I made two very stupid mistakes on this forum and was right on the edge of getting banned. I'm now trying to get back to not being an idiot and contributing. I know you laugh at the idiots that come on this forum and make shittastic posts, but I'm trying not to be those people. Again, I should've just double-checked, but oh well.

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for future reference, don't listen to anybody with a pink username.

Seeing as how the pink name lasts a month, this may not be the best advice. You can learn a lot in a month.

...please don't think of me as "Hey look everybody! This guy's a Helen Keller! Just ignore what he says, because they're all stupid!" I really hate people with that attitude. I made two very stupid mistakes on this forum and was right on the edge of getting banned. I'm now trying to get back to not being an idiot and contributing.

Admirable attitude, but part of the rehabilitation is being nice about it. Which you have been, for the most part.

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Admirable attitude, but part of the rehabilitation is being nice about it. Which you have been, for the most part.

agreed, I saw the pink username, and just assumed that it was someone who joined the forums, made a stupid post, and continues to spout nonsense, I think that system needs to be reformed a bit, as I only trust those with pink if they have made several good quality posts.

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