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Hi i'm running winxp i have a tekkit server and can run it loacally but when someone tries to log into the server it comes up red and unable to connect to the server.

I have port forwarded my router

when i go to run cmd ipconfig it gives me my ip address but when i go to a online port checker it has a different port listed as mine? when i try my ip address that i got from my ipconfig and that my router is set up for it says my port is closed? when i use the ip address that the port checker website has listed for me and try port 25565 it says it's open??

I have avast and i have checked my winxp firewall and it has .minecraft on 25565?

any help would be appreciated



Have you tried checking your external IP address? Many arn't static IP's and your ISP changes them. I have to check my IP address every time I open my server to friends outside the LAN as I'm to tight to pay for a static IP.


canyouseeme.org is my fav way of checking my external IP / seeing if my port is open...

i still use no-ip DUC but that is because im lazy and i like nice things =]

Edit:also i found that if i did everything correct in configs and its still not showing up right... RESTART =] sometimes hard questions have easy answers


I have a static ip set up for one of my computers the one that minecraft is on, I have set up minecraft server and allowed the port 25565 in my winxp firewall, my routers (modem ip is ***.***.***.***) when i log into canyouseeme or port checker it list my modem ip i put in 25565 and check it, and it is open when i put my static ip that i created for my computer it says it's closed? I have gone onto my routers webpage and in firewall added the computers static ip and the port both under tcp and udp adn it lists it as forwarded.

when i set up my tekkit server do i give my friends my static ip address or my modems ip address?

thanx again

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