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Very Short Chunk Loading Distance



Title: Very Short Chunk Loading Distance

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Java Version: 6

Description of Problem:

Before the update to 3.1.2 (I think we were on 3.0.4), the world loaded pretty well. I could see out quite a way without having to be right on top of the block. But now since I updated the server and client to 3.1.2, only the area right next to me will load ( ). What changed between then and now that's causing this to happen? Is there a way to fix it?

Just to note: my render distance is Far +80, Load Far is On.

PC Specs: GTX 580, i5-2500k, 16 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD, 1 TB HDD.

2 GB of RAM is alotted for Minecraft.

The server is not running on my PC, it's a rented server.

Edit: To help narrow down the issue, I tried loading a world on Tekkit SSP, everything loads fine. It's only when on my server that the chunk loading is so restricted.

Error Messages:

Error Log:


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3 answers to this question

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By area right next to you you mean only a few chunks is loaded ? If so that means your server lack the bandwidth for the server.

If you are saying that the view distance is still very short regardless if its Far or Extreme its a server sided properties where the view distance is limited to prevent server lag

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Yeh Ive had this problem uknow how i fixed. Ither as Above ^ its a timer problem or go into video settings see if fog is turned on or off if so change to fast or fancy then on fog start set it to 0.8 in details select depth fog ON and if none work try performance settings and set preloade d chunks higher thats all i can think of. If its not working sorry xD but its better than nothing/

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