kciD Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 Tekkit(Classic) Sky Blocks v1.0.2 NOTICE: I will be learning Tekkit lite over the next few days/weeks(possibly) and I will construct a new sky block map once I've learned more, although I'm not sure how well it will work. That map will most likely change as factorization and ee3 are updated more over the coming months. I'm not positive that I will be keeping up with that. It will be in a separate thread. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?exl7jx8m7z88hqk Some of you will say that this has been done before, and it has, but not like this. Other Tekkit Sky Block type maps seem to be too easy. This one is much more difficult. You will have to think outside of the box and use multiple mods to get anything done... or look at the hints to be told how to finish it. This map, unlike many others I've seen, does NOT require you to needlessly build bridges out to find resources, mostly because there is none to be found. You start with this: 1 each of a transmutation tablet, block of ice, lava bucket, sugar canes, clay, cactus, leather, string, and gravel. Things to do: (recommended mostly in order) make a 10*10 dirt platform make a tree farm make a 100*100 dirt platform (recommended for space) make a house (with needless things like windows and a computer because they all do in these types of maps. Its a house. Live in it.) make a sugar cane farm make an automatic cactus farm acquire a full set of iron armor make a monster spawning area acquire 10+ obsidian go to the nether make a rubber tree farm make an energy collector make a klein star ein make a solar panel make a melon farm make a pumpkin farm make a cobblestone generator that is mined by a quarry infinitely make four more energy collectors and an antimatter relay make a swiftwolfs rending gale make a crystal chest make a set of diamond armor make an animal farm of sheep, pigs, chickens, and cows make 12 more energy collectors, 4 more relays, and an energy condenser make animal farms for mooshrooms, wolves, and ocelots create a MFSU create a Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor create a medium voltage solar array make a snow fort create a ring of arcana obtain a full set of dark matter armor make a Mark 4 Nuclear Reactor setup make a set of irridium armor create the alchemical tomb make a set of gemmed red matter armor kill the ender dragon There are plenty more things to do sheer boredom: make a house out of RM blocks blow a nuke on purpose make a house in the nether (possible 2 ways) make a HV solar array get all of the red matter tools program the computer to do stuff create an elevator rail from the bottom to the top of the world. make a complicated redstone contraption using red power, etc. Warning, spoilers! Hints: getting started hints First, place down the tablet and put all of your available items in it to teach them to the tablet, then chop down the tree. Keep three blocks of wood. Use the emc of the wood in the tree to get more sapplings and dirt so you can expand your tree farm. make a cobblestone generator using the lava bucket and the ice. Now farm cobblestone with a wooden pickaxe until it breaks, then a stone pickaxe. remember to teach dirt, sand, cobblestone, bucket of water, and empty bucket to the tablet. You can try to farm the cactus and reeds if you want to speed up the process a bit. Make sure you keep up with your tree farm. Stuck from here? Get buckets of lava and start to pour them into a mold of a nether portal. Solidify them into obsidian as you go. use a block of wood and some lava to ignite the portal. Keep in mind that you can put your empty buckets back into the tablet to get some emc back from them. Once you are in the nether, you will find this: pics 2 nether ores for lapis lazuli, tin, coal, and copper, glowstone, marble, basalt, soul sand, mushrooms, vines, nether brick, netherraak a melon, a pumpkin, and mossy cobblestone. In the chest you will find coco beans, a saddle, 12 end portal frames, 2 each of chicken eggs, pig eggs, mooshroom eggs, wolf eggs, ocelot eggs, and sheep eggs, and a glowstone dust. (note: the stuff in my inventory does not have to do with what is in the game. ignore it) Still stuck? Now you need to focus on making an energy collector. It can gather energy quicker than you can farm it. It will also let you turn fuels into coal, blaze powder, and other things which you will need later. Now it gets really tricky. You now have to make an alloy furnace. With this, you can turn your bucket into iron. The alloy furnace is a furnace made of bricks all around. You will have to make more clay with your tablet to get this. Using this furnace, you can turn your bucket into iron bars. With this, the redstone you obtained earlier, and the rubber tree sapling you have, you can make the machines in industrial craft. Make a generator, macerator, and compressor, to create a diamond. You will also need 2 lava cells and 2 water cells to create obsidian for the diamond. With this diamond, some redstone, and some glowstone, you can now make a philosophers stone. With the stone, you can transform 8 iron ingots into a gold ingot. With the gold ingot, you finally have all of the ores taught to your crafting table. You can macerate ice, or compress a water cell to make snow. The rest of the challanges should be self explanitory enough. You can get blaze powder from the energy collector to make eye of the enders. If you place the ender portal blocks in the correct spots, it will work. NOTE: I used skytechnic/skytekkit as a blank slate to work on this world. That is why the end is the same in both, so credit goes to plasmarf for that. Changelog: 8/26/12 - added nethercoal ore 8/26/12 (1) - added redstone and netherrack where the rubber tree and dirt used to be. Put the rubber tree sappling in the chest. Link to minecraftforum.net forum post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1450078-surv-tekkit-sky-blocks/ Quote
novapower Posted August 31, 2012 Posted August 31, 2012 realy realy awsome thank you very mutch Quote
hohocacho31 Posted August 31, 2012 Posted August 31, 2012 finally, a TekBlock done correctly, though closest i've seen is an island type with single block islands almost, this is much better, hank you Quote
kciD Posted August 31, 2012 Author Posted August 31, 2012 The End is messed up if you care at all. Also, If you would like to pm me photos, I would love to post them on the minecraftforum.net page, and thanks for the support :) Quote
Braggart Posted September 9, 2012 Posted September 9, 2012 Very nice. I've reached the End in my game, and I found it entertaining figuring out how to achieve various goals. I did find a couple of tricks that aren't in your hints though. Don't use a cobble generator. Fish in your infinite water pool. A fish is worth a stack of cobble, so it's a lot faster. You can light your Nether portal with a flint and steel by melting down your bucket in the alloy furnace. But I can't figure out how to get uranium for a reactor. There used to be a uu-matter recipe for it, but that's the only thing I can think of. Quote
Tutux Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 Nice map, but a creeper blow up my bed, spawning point was missing and I respawned at like +1500,-1500... Can't get back to my base without using creative. You should move the spawn :C Quote
kciD Posted September 13, 2012 Author Posted September 13, 2012 bragget, actually, what I did was put my bucket into the tablet and got dirt and sapplings. I just farmed trees until I was able to get into the nether. You can chop a tree faster than catch a fish. Lol. Braggart, making the flint and tinder earlier is something that I thought you could do, but was unnecessary. I realized that while making the guide. Also, once you get super end game, (SPOILER GUIDE)you can get the tomb from EE to learn all recepies for EE in the tablet. It takes a LOT of emc. More than 10 million. For that, I reccomend using the flower type of collector array. I'll upload a pic of what I made, but it lagged my computer to the point that I couldn't continue the map. Its a pic of just before I made it, but you will be able to see the pattern. I used buildcraft pipes and pumps to take diamonds out of flower style collectors, with maxed out watches of flowing time, to bring them to one condenser that made red matter. Thats one way to get the tomb for uranium. I'll upload a pic in a bit. tutux, the spawn moves every time you die. I died one time while making edits to the map so it loaded part of the map outside of the blank area, and with that made the file size bigger XP almost double I think. Its happened to my friend too. going to make a new objective. Create a mycillium (however you spell it, mooshroom grass) island. Quote
Braggart Posted September 13, 2012 Posted September 13, 2012 "kciD said: bragget, actually, what I did was put my bucket into the tablet and got dirt and sapplings. I just farmed trees until I was able to get into the nether. You can chop a tree faster than catch a fish. Lol. Braggart, making the flint and tinder earlier is something that I thought you could do, but was unnecessary. I realized that while making the guide. Also, once you get super end game, (SPOILER GUIDE)you can get the tomb from EE to learn all recepies for EE in the tablet. It takes a LOT of emc. More than 10 million. For that, I reccomend using the flower type of collector array. I'll upload a pic of what I made, but it lagged my computer to the point that I couldn't continue the map. Its a pic of just before I made it, but you will be able to see the pattern. I used buildcraft pipes and pumps to take diamonds out of flower style collectors, with maxed out watches of flowing time, to bring them to one condenser that made red matter. Thats one way to get the tomb for uranium. I'll upload a pic in a bit. I didn't think of that. The alchemical tome is one of the things I took a look at in a regular survival game and decided was an expensive waste of time I think it's a pity you can't make uranium from UU-matter any more. I quite like the idea of having to make your first UU-matter without nuclear power before getting a reactor. I suppose chopping a tree would be faster. The fishing idea came from me wondering what I was going to eat. The only alternative at the start is apples, and you start with a piece of string, so I gave it a try. It's worth lighting your portal with a flint and steel because it's much faster than messing around with lava and you can burn it in your transmutation table afterward. By the way, there are a lot of items you could either leave out or move to the Nether to make the map harder. You can get string from spiders and leather from cows once you get them. The gravel, sugar cane, clay and cactus can be moved to the Nether. The Nether chest can contain no mob eggs and just a single ordinary egg. Throw eggs to get chickens and use your philosopher's stone to transmute chickens into other mobs. Quote
kciD Posted September 14, 2012 Author Posted September 14, 2012 "Braggart said: By the way, there are a lot of items you could either leave out or move to the Nether to make the map harder. You can get string from spiders and leather from cows once you get them. The gravel, sugar cane, clay and cactus can be moved to the Nether. The Nether chest can contain no mob eggs and just a single ordinary egg. Throw eggs to get chickens and use your philosopher's stone to transmute chickens into other mobs. I thought of all of these things and about trying to make a different and possibly more difficult map, or a second download for a harder version. I was thinking of 1.3 with the animals not spawning and you having to hunt them down, forgetting about the fact that you can just have grass in 1.2.5 and get animals. I also forgot about the philo stone changing them until even later on. I'm probably just going to put up a second upload of a more difficult version later. I wont provide most of the stuff in the nether with that, or even in the real world. the starting area will be even smaller and difficult to manage. Quote
kciD Posted September 15, 2012 Author Posted September 15, 2012 version 2.0, now complete with less stuff. Good luck. I'll update everything like pics, details, and the main post later. For now, this "release" is a gift for the people that took the time to read into the comments. This is the "hardcore" version. I gave you as little as possible to work with. Good luck. (Since its the hardcore version, try it on hard difficulty?) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?k74kvbmqq39h499 Quote
LupusAlphaX Posted September 16, 2012 Posted September 16, 2012 "Jakstar_19 said: Download link deleted :L Go onto the Minecraft Forums page and download it. It still works there. Quote
Tommohawk1 Posted September 20, 2012 Posted September 20, 2012 I love this map. Ive gotten really far and have made like 2 stacks of red matter in no time. Just wondering how do we get to the end without a blaze? It isnt in the nether chest and i wanna get there. Is there a EE recipe or something? Do i need to make a Tomb to get it? This is by far alot of fun! Quote
LupusAlphaX Posted September 20, 2012 Posted September 20, 2012 "Tommohawk1 said: I love this map. Ive gotten really far and have made like 2 stacks of red matter in no time. Just wondering how do we get to the end without a blaze? It isnt in the nether chest and i wanna get there. Is there a EE recipe or something? Do i need to make a Tomb to get it? This is by far alot of fun! You get it in an energy collector. You put alchemical coal in the left and after a while it will turn into blaze powder. I have a problem with the End. There's no enderdragon which is annoying because now I'm stuck there... Quote
LupusAlphaX Posted September 20, 2012 Posted September 20, 2012 "Tommohawk1 said: I love this map. Ive gotten really far and have made like 2 stacks of red matter in no time. Just wondering how do we get to the end without a blaze? It isnt in the nether chest and i wanna get there. Is there a EE recipe or something? Do i need to make a Tomb to get it? This is by far alot of fun! You get it in an energy collector. You put alchemical coal in the left and after a while it will turn into blaze powder. I have a problem with the End. There's no enderdragon which is annoying because now I'm stuck there... Quote
kciD Posted September 21, 2012 Author Posted September 21, 2012 "LupusAlphaX said: You get it in an energy collector. You put alchemical coal in the left and after a while it will turn into blaze powder. I have a problem with the End. There's no enderdragon which is annoying because now I'm stuck there... noted problem. I'm not sure how to fix it without deleting the world save file of the end... I think I just realized how to do it. I'll probably have a "end ready" version ready by tonight, and a fix that you can use. EDIT: *tomorrow night* sleeping now. Quote
goreae Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 "hohocacho31 said: finally, a TekBlock done correctly, though closest i've seen is an island type with single block islands almost, this is much better, hank you why would you hank him? how hilariously rude! Quote
Whooptidoo Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 I have never played any man-made maps. Want to try out the 2.0version of this map! So this is gonna be a challenge for me! I'll be playing it on hard, just to see what I can do! Quote
dragonspit82 Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 Hey guys, i will be doing a LP of this later today. (hopefully i can upload it today as well). i have tried out this map and really enjoy it, and it is definitely youtube worthy! when it is uploaded, come check it out at: youtube.com/user/dragonspit82! Quote
goreae Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 "All_Star_Gamer_x said: Fix the link ! the link on the MC forum post still works Quote
Vixxrn Posted November 25, 2012 Posted November 25, 2012 on the hardcore version, how can i obtain flint and/or gravel? also i have a problem whit getting sand.. whitout those teo things there pretty much nothing i can do in the higher levels of ic2 and i think there was something else cant remember :/ Quote
kciD Posted December 19, 2012 Author Posted December 19, 2012 it appears that I have forgotten to put the flint in the game... I don't think that there is a way around that other than just spawning in one :/ after that, and you should be fine. Sorry about that. Lol. Quote
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