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Launcher/pack Version: / 2.0.0

Operating System: Win7 64bit

Version of Java: Version 6 Update 31

Description of Problem: I am playing on this http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,152.0.html Server and every time I click an item inside of an output slot of any crafting device (table, inventory) the game gives me a "dirt screen". I reinstalled the launcher + tekkit and it fixed it for like 10 minutes. Now I have the same issue again :-\

Error Messages: N/A

Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/Fa9awpAa


Ok, just tested on my own server and its the same.

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I have a similar error:

Launcher Version:

Server Version: 2.1.1

Client Operating System: Windows 7

Client Java Version: 1.7.0_02-b13

Description of Problem: When attempting to craft any item from EE. IC or BC the item will pop-up in the preview box and disappear in seconds, if item is grabbed before disappearing then the client is d/c'd with the error

Connection Lost

Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

The error that shows up on the server is here.

I am 99% certain that what I am running is a Tekkit server so the issue shouldn't be that the server does not know the recipes and/or end items. what could be going on with it?

I have also tried to downgrade the server to 2.0 but that did not help at all.

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