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1) Retrievulators definitely work in 3.1.2. I use them all the time. Are you giving them blueletric power? That might have been an added requirement in this version, don't remember.

2) Why do you even need retrievulators at all? I don't get that. They generally make things way more difficult.

Simply have a chest that you just dump random stuff into. Then use a sorting system to put it all in respective chests. Then you can use simple transposers to dole out the necessary number of items for any given recipe, to wherever you need them to autocraft something. Copper wires? Transposers from copper and rubber chests go to a crafting table Mk II or a chest + normal auto crafting table, then you get the results out the other end.

if you want to autocraft a whole shitload of random stuff at once in one facility, then I suggest either A) using BC teleport tubes, or B) using turtles instead of tubes. Have every chest of (sorted) raw materials have a transposer in front of it, that a turtle can go up to and pulse redstone into to deliver one of that into its inventory (it can pulse at the max speed of a transposer which is about 3 items per second, OR you can have a filter next to the transposer in each double chest that offers a multiple-item-at-a-time option too). Then it flies over and dumps that stuff into a crafting table Mk II for your copper wires or whatever (using another transposer and turtle.dropDown()). Then it gets the next bunch of ingredients.

If your raws are all on one wall, and your crafting recipe tables are all on another wall a couple blocks away, the turtle could craft a large number of almost anything in under a minute or so.

AND as an added bonus, when tekkit finally updates to CC 1.4, you can use the same system you already set up, and use a crafty turtle instead, and it can craft the stuff right on the spot! So it is very forward compatible, which brings me to:

3) If you're gonna install a non-vanilla-tekkit mod for your project, I would suggest installing CC 1.4, not logistic pipes. CC 1.4 is definitely stable (I've done it before) with the current tekkit build, once you switch the IDs around, and it is much cleaner and more compact and useful than logistic pipes are. No number of logistic pipes can ever match the infinite logical possibilities of a turtle, and when you add in the ability of your same sorting block (turtle) to craft on the spot as well, it's game over for the entire concept of logistic pipes IMO.


With that setup wouldn't I be required to code a few lines for each thing I wish to make? I haven't done anything with turtles so I don't know how they work with each other, IE can I have multiple of them within a relatively small area without them running into each other and jamming? How would the potential coding look, do you have some sample code I can look at. (I am not to savvy with CC coding)

Edit: it seems the guy who ported kraphts logistics pipes have taken them down and are no longer available D:


No i've never coded it before. It wouldnt be that terribly difficult though.

I was thinking just one turtle. multiple would probably be very difficult.

The code would be:

1) Some methods the turtle uses to figure out which way to turn and move to arrive at specific grid locations (keeping track of its movements to know its current location)

2) An array of the ingredients in memory for any given recipe you care about. Something like [1 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 1] would be a recipe with smooth stone, cobble, and some empty slots, in that order.

3) An array of the locations in the grid of raw materials in memory.

4) An array of locations in the grid of auto crafting tables for given things memory.

5) Just a simple little script that adds up the number of each ingredient in the recipe, then goes to that grid location, gets that many, goes to the crafting table, deposits, then the same for other raws.

6) If one wanted to get fancy and have multiple step recipes, then you would need a special chest or five for intermediate products. So like, the turtle would store copper wires in one of the available chests, and temporarily remember it is for copper wires and how many there are. then go make some batteries, then come back and grab the wires from the temp. box when it is making a batbox, for instance. Treating the temp boxes as just like anything else in the grid, but for intermediate crafting ingredients. Then when the whole recipe is done, the chests are freed up / the turtle "forgets" what they were used for, and they are available for new intermediates later.

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