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Transmutation Tablet question


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I just 'discovered' the transmutation tablet, and while I have been using a condenser, the main nice thing, IMO, about the Transmutation tablet, is that once it 'learns' and item, you don't have to have that item to make it... In theory. My question is, if the item you're not looking for is not in the 'list' that you get on the right side when you place items or a Klein star in the left side (assuming you put enough EMC there for said item), is there a way to get a more comprehensive lsit of items available for transmutation? If there isn't, I'd think you'd need to have at least one of anything you might want to make with the Transmutation tablet. It doesn't really matter a whole lot to me because I keep an 'archive' of one of everything that can be used in the condenser or Transmutation tablet, but if there is a way to get more options, it would be good to know.

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you can "target" desired outcomes by placing them in the center on the right. I've been told you can use anything of the same emc value as well, but I've had little luck with that. Basically that means if you want an iron hoe of emc say 95 and you place an iron axe in there, it should be one of your choices.

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Yes, I know about the target function. The issue is it the Wiki says it will remember all items you place in it so you don't need to have said item to make it (unlike with the condenser). If that's true, how do you get to the rest of the items it knows how to make?

The other thing that's better about the tablet than the condenser is if you want something cheap (say glass), and have a ton of EMC available to the condenser, you have to be VERY quick about getting it in and out or you'll have more stacks of glass than you know what to do with... with the tablet, you can get one block or stacks... whichever you want.

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Anything placed in the target slot will cause the closest 14? items with a lower or equal EMC value to appear. I use iron for tin, bronze, and a few other things, for example. You just have to kind of figure out what things have approximately equal EMC values and keep a stash of items that allow you to get those. Fuels, on the other hand there aren't enough of to overflow the grid (I don't think), so burning one piece of charcoal locks the tablet into fuel mode and allows you to get any fuel (that you have EMC for) until you remove the klein star you're pulling EMC from.

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