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looking for a good wold edit program

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Im running a server under tekkit 2.1 the world edit mod isint precise enough and has its limitations.

mcedit 33 seems to refuse to load the world and im not sure what to use otherwise but need to be able to import and manipulate schematics. so im looking for something up to date any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Edit: i seem to have put this in ssp instead of smp i do apologize.

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unfortunatly in world edit when you paste its relitive unless you have copied from inside the world itself im takeing schematics from a old world and copying them into a new world i did a test and world edit put it half underground.

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unfortunatly in world edit when you paste its relitive unless you have copied from inside the world itself im takeing schematics from a old world and copying them into a new world i did a test and world edit put it half underground.

It's relative to where the person was when they copy and save the schematic, so if it's going underground then the person was elevated (assuming they used worldedit inside the game). Simple fix is just //up # to compensate for the difference or use the selection tool then //move the blocks to the desired level.

I've had problems with maps corrupting using editors before so personally I recommend sticking with worldedit. If you still have access to the old world just run a server locally (or a second private server on a different port if you can) and then go reselect what you want to save from ground level and it's always good practice to check the compass to see which direction you're facing when copying then include the direction in the save name (example: castle_ne).

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