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[PLUGIN HELP] Need shop plugin like Showcase


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Hi, I'm trying to set up a server, and have got almost all plugins etc I need, banned what I deemed OP/dangerous and even gave myself a cool chat prefix, but I am stuck on a shop plugin.

Basically I need a shop plugin like Showcase/Standalone, that works with Tekkit, or at least Tekkit items. I've tried both Showcase and Showcase standalone, SC just refuses to actually work entirely, and SCS doesn't work with Tekkit items, and the unlimited shop doesn't work even with Tekkit at all.

I can compromise on the floating items like showcase, but what plugins are there easy to set up that just use signs and work with Tekkit items?

I only need a unlimited shop type function for a server shop, no players will be using the plugin other than to buy.

Here's a list of the main plugins I have:


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Showcase will work. These plugins tend to be coded to buy and sell with the item ID, not just vanilla items. Basically:


You put Item x in ->

Someone comes to buy item, they take x out <-



You set what x is ~

Someone comes and puts more x in (so from 0x to 64x lets say)->

You come and take x out <-

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I found that SC didn't load at all, no config or anything in console. SCS had the problem of it would place unlimited shops, and the display's are removed with restart. I have decided now that I won't be selling anything anyway, but setting chest shop up for members to use.

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