Java Version: the latest one, i re-installed it a few times, i checked 32 or 64 bit and all that, not sure what the version's called
Antivirus Program:
Description of Problem:
ive had alot of problems, when i download the techniclauncher, it doesnt download its files properly, so i copied the files of somone else's computer (refreshed, so no last-logins or anything) because otherwisei cant even GET tekkit, nexti cant use the launcher.exe, that just doesnt do anything, so i have to use the .jar in my .techniclauncher, then it takes FOR-EVER to load up, longer then normal (i was able to do everything without issues at all a few weeks ago), and when i do finnaly get to my launcher, it says tumblr feed is down, everytime, and when i try to connect, it says my account cant be authenticated to, but when i try that on normal minecraft, i CAN just normally connect, (and yes, i bought minecraft, so i dont have anything cracked)
Error Messages:
"unable to authencticate account with"
Error Log:
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.6.0_18-b07'
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] OS Version: '6.1'
[17:24:09] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'
[17:24:10] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from ''.
[17:24:10] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:11] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3040386179222299393.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5
[17:24:11] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5
[17:24:11] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from ''.
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1018337281271134154.tmp to: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file5206769472317093256.tmp to: \launcher\yogbox\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\yogbox\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file4427466851422737934.tmp to: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1640373231513514662.tmp to: \launcher\tekkit\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\tekkit\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file6445805202149410875.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file2758708441179746354.tmp to: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file577668917792642582.tmp to: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1990483872648180457.tmp to: \launcher\tekkit\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file8599403579670215997.tmp to: \launcher\yogbox\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1779510842491819768.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3843579723879161716.tmp to: \launcher\tekkit\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\yogbox\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\tekkit\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\tekkit\resources\favicon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file2526592825512696175.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file4048052291926173422.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file5090291343556243693.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3583702307712621003.tmp to: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\hackslashmine\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file6116469051628598608.tmp to: \launcher\yogbox\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\yogbox\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7252194350468453121.tmp to: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file6151482904544827682.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png
[17:24:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png
[17:24:16] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from ''.
[17:24:16] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from ''.
[17:24:25] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.
[17:24:25] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.
[17:26:44] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b06'
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] OS Version: '6.1'
[17:46:38] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'
[17:46:59] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'modpacks.yml'
[17:46:59] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\modpacks.yml' has md5 of '5267919042ae84ec813c45c66e9d1e1a' instead of 'null'
[17:47:09] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/favicon.png'
[17:47:09] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[17:47:19] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/logo.png'
[17:47:19] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '8657f44b42d2947bb9c7511176aa8aae' instead of 'null'
[17:47:29] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/icon.png'
[17:47:29] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[17:47:39] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/favicon.png'
[17:47:39] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[17:47:49] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/logo.png'
[17:47:49] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '802b16932339fa38eea470896edecd86' instead of 'null'
[17:47:59] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/icon.png'
[17:47:59] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[17:48:09] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/favicon.png'
[17:48:09] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '6a4a2b05be32e092e31aca4482ae32d8' instead of 'null'
[17:48:19] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/logo.png'
[17:48:19] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\logo.png' has md5 of 'dfb0eaafa0c7e8f2c6fd8a34f235cf2e' instead of 'null'
[17:48:29] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/icon.png'
[17:48:29] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\icon.png' has md5 of 'ea03e5188155b963b93ec9cf25e9f78d' instead of 'null'
[17:48:39] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/favicon.png'
[17:48:39] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '9fe8dd03b266ed68af92f9a907f04b93' instead of 'null'
[17:48:49] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/logo.png'
[17:48:49] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '6eaa9709e784660f68a2298bb0be5af8' instead of 'null'
[17:49:00] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/icon.png'
[17:49:00] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '20b65cc74698904d5b266659929f106e' instead of 'null'
[17:49:10] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png'
[17:49:10] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '6ac510b04af406f19c3ad8ea40c16090' instead of 'null'
[17:49:20] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/logo.png'
[17:49:20] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\logo.png' has md5 of 'fb659bb866a31e2ba090ade35e68a7a1' instead of 'null'
[17:49:30] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/icon.png'
[17:49:30] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\icon.png' has md5 of 'dba1052dab8409764e40cc81aa010f6f' instead of 'null'
[17:49:40] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/favicon.png'
[17:49:40] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[17:49:50] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/logo.png'
[17:49:50] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '2030aa9a0ea63a0e38f1c565c1f5c18f' instead of 'null'
[17:50:00] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/icon.png'
[17:50:00] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[17:50:10] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'libraries.yml'
[17:50:10] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\libraries.yml' has md5 of '3080201d7e20a69e33ebd059fcc89faa' instead of 'null'
[17:50:20] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'modlibrary.yml'
[17:50:20] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\modlibrary.yml' has md5 of '74af86942f1e7d19c4c26910a082329f' instead of 'null'
[17:50:30] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/modpack.yml'
[17:50:30] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'ce80cac74a7796737f721da2ce0c6d9f' instead of 'null'
[18:29:16] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b06'
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] OS Version: '6.1'
[18:29:31] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'
[18:29:52] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'modpacks.yml'
[18:29:52] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\modpacks.yml' has md5 of '5267919042ae84ec813c45c66e9d1e1a' instead of 'null'
[18:30:02] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/favicon.png'
[18:30:02] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[18:30:12] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/logo.png'
[18:30:12] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '8657f44b42d2947bb9c7511176aa8aae' instead of 'null'
[18:30:22] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'technicssp/resources/icon.png'
[18:30:22] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[18:30:32] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/favicon.png'
[18:30:32] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[18:30:42] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/logo.png'
[18:30:42] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '802b16932339fa38eea470896edecd86' instead of 'null'
[18:30:52] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/resources/icon.png'
[18:30:52] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[18:31:02] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/favicon.png'
[18:31:02] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '6a4a2b05be32e092e31aca4482ae32d8' instead of 'null'
[18:31:12] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/logo.png'
[18:31:12] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\logo.png' has md5 of 'dfb0eaafa0c7e8f2c6fd8a34f235cf2e' instead of 'null'
[18:31:22] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'yogbox/resources/icon.png'
[18:31:22] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\yogbox\resources\icon.png' has md5 of 'ea03e5188155b963b93ec9cf25e9f78d' instead of 'null'
[18:31:32] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/favicon.png'
[18:31:32] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '9fe8dd03b266ed68af92f9a907f04b93' instead of 'null'
[18:31:42] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/logo.png'
[18:31:42] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '6eaa9709e784660f68a2298bb0be5af8' instead of 'null'
[18:31:52] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'voxelmodpack/resources/icon.png'
[18:31:52] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\voxelmodpack\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '20b65cc74698904d5b266659929f106e' instead of 'null'
[18:32:02] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png'
[18:32:02] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '6ac510b04af406f19c3ad8ea40c16090' instead of 'null'
[18:32:12] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/logo.png'
[18:32:12] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\logo.png' has md5 of 'fb659bb866a31e2ba090ade35e68a7a1' instead of 'null'
[18:32:22] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'hackslashmine/resources/icon.png'
[18:32:22] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\hackslashmine\resources\icon.png' has md5 of 'dba1052dab8409764e40cc81aa010f6f' instead of 'null'
[18:32:32] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/favicon.png'
[18:32:32] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png' has md5 of '1fa7a59e85ad2d9332f6336019b23507' instead of 'null'
[18:32:42] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/logo.png'
[18:32:42] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png' has md5 of '2030aa9a0ea63a0e38f1c565c1f5c18f' instead of 'null'
[18:32:52] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'vanilla/resources/icon.png'
[18:32:52] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png' has md5 of '1db1857730e6e58158ed42dbd5273c0a' instead of 'null'
[18:33:02] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'libraries.yml'
[18:33:02] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\libraries.yml' has md5 of '3080201d7e20a69e33ebd059fcc89faa' instead of 'null'
[18:33:12] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'modlibrary.yml'
[18:33:12] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\modlibrary.yml' has md5 of '74af86942f1e7d19c4c26910a082329f' instead of 'null'
[18:33:22] [sEVERE] MD5 hash not found for 'tekkit/modpack.yml'
[18:33:22] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of '46a0900a4753fad02650edb182ed5670' instead of 'null'
Launcher Version:
Operating System: windows office (i believe)
Java Version: the latest one, i re-installed it a few times, i checked 32 or 64 bit and all that, not sure what the version's called
Antivirus Program:
Description of Problem:
ive had alot of problems, when i download the techniclauncher, it doesnt download its files properly, so i copied the files of somone else's computer (refreshed, so no last-logins or anything) because otherwisei cant even GET tekkit, nexti cant use the launcher.exe, that just doesnt do anything, so i have to use the .jar in my .techniclauncher, then it takes FOR-EVER to load up, longer then normal (i was able to do everything without issues at all a few weeks ago), and when i do finnaly get to my launcher, it says tumblr feed is down, everytime, and when i try to connect, it says my account cant be authenticated to, but when i try that on normal minecraft, i CAN just normally connect, (and yes, i bought minecraft, so i dont have anything cracked)
Error Messages:
"unable to authencticate account with"
Error Log:
32 answers to this question
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