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Basically Server issue.


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Before you argue that this is in the wrong section, I don't have the permission to post in the actual section for server bugs. I'm not at fault here.

I made this account solely to get help with this problem. I started up a tekkit server following

that guide there, and it SEEMS to work. However, when somebody besides myself attempts to connect, it doesn't work.

When I connect via any of the ways I can (, localhost, and my own external IP address), it works fine. But when somebody else connects via the only way they can (external IP address), they get an end of stream error, and the server tells me that they lost connection.

Yes, my ports are forwarded. Yes, i'm running 64 bit. And yes, as far as I know, the thing is configured properly. I left everything to it's defaults for the moment. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

EDIT: Okay, apparently it's just my friend being retarded. Others besides him can connect. Bye now.

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