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Launcher crashes after Mojang screen



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1

Java Version: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation

Antivirus Program: Norton Internet Security

Description of Problem:

When the launcher opens, it says "could not connect to minecraft.net" . Then when I click on "offline mode", it goes to the mojang screen then crashes. Then I get this message in the launcher window:

Mods loaded: 48

ModLoader 1.1

mod_CARuins v2.3.0

mod_ModLoaderMp 1.0.0

mod_NotEnoughItems 1.1.1

mod_Somnia v19 [1.1.0]

mod_HangableMaps 1.1


mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4d

mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4d

mod_Clevercraft 1.6.2

mod_ItemDescriptions 1.3

mod_EnderChest 1.0.1

mod_AdditionalBuildcraftObjects 0.9-63 (MC 1.1, BC 3.1.2)

mod_betterDungeons 0.921

mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.3

mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.3

mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.3

mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.3

mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.3

mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.3

mod_zAdditionalPipes Rev34.0

mod_EE EE2 v1.0.0


mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)

mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v3.2

mod_MAtmos_forModLoader r10 for 1.1.x

mod_Millenaire 2.3.1

mod_mocreatures v3.2.2 (MC 1.1)

mod_tome 1.0.0


mod_RailcraftAutomation 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftBuildcraft 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftCore 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftExtras 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftFactory 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftIC2 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftInfrastructure 3.3.1

mod_RailcraftRails 3.3.1

mod_ThaumCraft 1.2.5

mod_treecapitator 1.1

Balkon's WeaponMod 1.1.0 v8.4.0 SMP Edition

mod_WirelessRedstone 1.5

mod_WirelessRedstoneClient 1.5

Minecraft has crashed!


Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to [email protected].

Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 5f3c2fc7 --------

Generated 10/10/12 17:57

Minecraft: Minecraft 1.1

OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1

Java: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation

VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: GeForce 9400 GT/PCIe/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.common.AdvRecipe

at ic2.api.Ic2Recipes.addCraftingRecipe(Ic2Recipes.java:27)

at mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.load(mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.java:155)

at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:824)

at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)

at afq.<init>(afq.java:80)

at afq.<clinit>(afq.java:9)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:316)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:624)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.common.AdvRecipe

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

at org.spoutcraft.launcher.MinecraftClassLoader.findClass(MinecraftClassLoader.java:64)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

at ic2.api.Ic2Recipes.addCraftingRecipe(Ic2Recipes.java:25)

... 8 more

--- END ERROR REPORT 9954e24f ----------

Error Messages:

Error Log:

7 answers to this question

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First check here:


Most answers can be found there.


Make sure your anti-virus and firewalls are disabled while trying to connect to minecraft.net (while logging in, connecting to a server)

Uninstall Java, then delete your .techniclauncher folder. Restart your computer (it's not required, but it never hurts to give it a break)

Reinstall the correct version of Java for your computer (ensure the bit type matches)

Redownload the Launcher.

Try to run the .exe, if this does not work, look in your .techniclauncher folder, make sure you have a .jar file in there.

If you do not, and the .exe doesn't work, do this:

I am getting a “Technic Launcher has Stopped Working Error”!

If your launcher is encountering this error, a solution is to download the .jar file from http://www.technicpack.net/download/ (pick the third from the left (Linux/Jar)). If you are using Internet Explorer you will also need to change the file extension (the ending of the file) to .jar instead of .zip. Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is double-click on the file to run the launcher.

If double click doesn't work with the .jar:

Right click on the .jar file, open with Java.

If none of those work, try running as administrator.

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Do you copy/paste this into every technic launcher bug report, or do you have a bot set up to do it for you?

I copy/paste, then if the OP isn't retarded and tried that stuff, I help them more (you know if they actually have a problem that isn't caused by lack of intelligence/effort).

  • 0

I copy/paste, then if the OP isn't retarded and tried that stuff, I help them more (you know if they actually have a problem that isn't caused by lack of intelligence/effort).

It would probably be pretty easy to set up a bot that pastes that message into every launcher bug report. If I wanted to, I could probably write the code for it in a few hours.

  • 0

It would probably be pretty easy to set up a bot that pastes that message into every launcher bug report. If I wanted to, I could probably write the code for it in a few hours.

That might be considered spam...

No thanks, some posters just need to be told to go elsewhere, or to use the effort button (the one Jorcer seems to like so much)

This one? :effort:

  • 0

It would probably be pretty easy to set up a bot that pastes that message into every launcher bug report. If I wanted to, I could probably write the code for it in a few hours.

Bots are not appreciated. Neither is helping people that refuse to help themselves the tiniest bit.

OP: You likely have two distinct problems.

1) You have Norton. Unless configured correctly, it likes to block both downloads and updates.

2) It's likely that your Advanced Machines add-on for IC2 is broken. I recommend a reinstall, which is not something I do extremely often.

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