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[3.1.2] MachineCraft [PvP] [82 slots] [ All Dupes Patched,Not much banned, All EE Tools Unbanned]


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This server is definitely a server to try. After playing here for nearly two weeks, I found that some of the staff have their flaws(who doesn't) but all in all, the whole staff is very helpful. The server itself is full of kind people that are willing to help out whenever possible. Just by asking a few simple questions I realized that I definitely joined the right server because.. without some of the peoples' help, I would have absolutely no idea what to do.. even with certain minute problems(coughcoughBluTricitycoughcough) XD Allll in all, I would recommend this server to anyone looking to join a server with a strong community and helpful staff.

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Hey guys!

IceCrystalIV here.

I just want to say that this is Thee Best Tekkit Server EVER, and I play it all the time. You can choose to play on a PVP (player-vs-player) or a PVE (player-vs-player is disabled) world. Or both, I guess!

I don't get any lag, and my computer isn't even top-of-the-line.

There are ways to protect your land from grief!

Its open 24/7, so join us! You wont regret it!

xxxIcexxx wink.png

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Hey guys!

IceCrystalIV here.

I just want to say that this is Thee Best Tekkit Server EVER, and I play it all the time. You can choose to play on a PVP (player-vs-player) or a PVE (player-vs-player is disabled) world. Or both, I guess!

I don't get any lag, and my computer isn't even top-of-the-line.

There are ways to protect your land from grief!

Its open 24/7, so join us! You wont regret it!

xxxIcexxx wink.png

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