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Server post link help


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I want to know if it's alright to post a link for a table with information about, in my case permissions, so i don't have to fill 2 or 3 pages with information.

i plan on doing it like this:

1: desciptions of ranks, and in short what permisions, and how to unlock.

2: link to a complete chart of ranking and information, containing each and every permission, translated so everybody can understand.

it'll look like this if done:

· Starter – This is where you start, you’re only limited on the EE part of tekkit, and a few commands.

· Player – This rank will be unlocked at 20 hours of gameplay. This is when you start unlocking stuff from EE, you’ll unlock the energy collector MK1, the transmutation tablet, both mobile and non-mobile version, and the alchemical chest. You’ll also unlock the “tpa” commands, and the option to use ‘/balancetop to check who are the richest players on the server. At 50 hours of gameplay you’ll unlock the energy condenser.

· Veteran – This rank will be unlocked at 100 hours of gameplay. Here you’ll unlock everything except world anchors, anchor cards and dimensional anchors. You’ll also unlock the ‘/back’ command, chat formatting and the ‘/suicide’ command.

· Elite – This is the last non-donor, non-moderator rank you can unlock. It can’t be unlocked by conventional means, so you’ll have to apply to get this rank. It’s mainly for show. But will be changed to actually have a purpose later.

· D- - This rank is just the donor version of the above mentioned, here you’ll unlock building in the Donor world, and you’ll also unlock all of EE, and dimensional anchor. It’s show by the normal rank with a “D” in front.

· Mod – this is the moderator rank, and can be unlocked by filling out a form. These peoples job is mainly to run the day to day operations, and can only do that, nothing more. They are always open to questions, and will try to help you in any way they can.

· Admin – These are the most trusted people on the server, and can do everything except promoting people to other ranks. They are always open to questions, and will try to help you in any way they can. Admins are handpicked.

· Owner – This rank is for the person owning the server, and can do everything. If he’s on, then you’re welcome to say “Hi” and ask questions.

look here for complete info on permission ranks:


It's for my server post by the way.

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