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Finite Gaming Play Tekkit


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Hello interwebs!

Finite Gaming and I (Well, just me) bring you a new Tekkit "Let's Play" series!


Me, Ashley (Ashezz_96)

Peter (themadcrazygamer)

Lewis (professorgenki21)

Max (maxski81)

Sam (comander_alfa) *At some point

Kai (Who's username I know not of as he hardly plays) *Possibly

We are on a server together, private so no interfering except with each other, as will be apparent later on.

We are all focusing on slightly different targets, with different paths thanks to the selection of mods in Tekkit (THANX TECHNIC GUISE!)

Follow each episode with funny moment, for us and you, or just you as we fall into lava. Be fixated on your monitor as the anticipation rises with a new contraption, machine, mob or person is about to cause SSssome major drama. Learn how to play Tekkit really well in a suitable way to succeed in all you hopes and dreams, whether that be to sell cake, or gold, or weapons of mass destruction.

All of this recorded by me, to be edited by me, uploaded by me, subliminal messaging by me, while the credit is taken by all of us!

So to get all of the above, go to my YouTube channel HERE

To skip straight to the videos;

Part 1 - Me and Peter start off on a new world!

Part 2 - More mining and other normal MC stuff, but with added Peter!

Part 3 - We build some machines! And get attacked by spiders. And other mobs.

Part 4 - Needing more materials to make cool Tekkit stuff, I make Peter and myself the 2nd Diving rod

Part 5 - This time I get a quarry made, set up and working, and Peter mucks about as usual.

And here is a preview from a episode in the making!

viewThumb.jsp?siteId=100948828&fileID=30Enderman says hi

So that's all for now, with more to come! Check out my channel (Link above) for more videos and game play on other Minecraft mods etc and soon some other games!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've added a link to my latest video, Part 5, in the main thread now it's released.

It was a bit late, and so will later episodes because I've recently bought a Hauppauge HD PVR, and also been doing game play for World Of Tanks, and now the new Need For Speed Most Wanted, all of which are on my Youtube channel HERE.

I'll still be doing Tekkit videos, just less frequently, about 2-3 a week now.

And if people want to see more of my YogBox series, I would appreciate it if you liked them, commented and subscribed, as I see no point carrying on if no one watches them.

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