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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Default value cannot be lower than minimum value!


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Hoping plowman sees this, as you always help so much!


Its the author of the modpack Industrial Age The Turning again (if you remember me at all!)

Modpack has been so stable for awhile running on the dedicated server, but we added Reikas mods, and since have had nothing but trouble.

Matter Overdrive updated their API and reika didnt update matter overdrives api in his mod, so there was occasionally random crashes.

I downgraded Matter Overdrive thinking it'd fix it, but it crashed constantly instead.


In the end, i heard from the Kcauldron team and others that Reikas mods are trouble, so i used his ForgeDangler patch to remove his mods succesfully, the only crash we seem to have now is the one stated in the topic.


I read its from EnderIO

"Separates wither and normal skeletons into different entities, enables the powered spawner to treat them differently [EXPERIMENTAL - MAY CAUSE ISSUES WITH OTHER MODS] B:replaceWitherSkeletons=true" 

settings this to false was supposedly suppose to fix it, it didnt, (i did it for client and server) so i set it back to default aka true.

I tried killing all entities in all worlds using /killall, but i still crash with the error above, i even tried resetting Matter Overdrives configs to no avail.


I would appreciate any help!

I have the log pasted in this topic: https://gitlab.prok.pw/KCauldron/KCauldron/issues/306#note_2399 

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Have you tried using danglingvanillafixer to simply revert back v9 of his mods? I don't know just how deep his anvil hooks are, so I don't know if it's something you can simply revert. Could you post another crash report? I checked the server log on gitlab but the server didn't crash in that log?

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