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[3.1.2]StormAnarchy [Anarchy/PvE/PvP Worlds] [TekkitRestrict] [24/7] [No Banned Items]


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Welcome, to the StormAnarchy server post.

Server IP:

Anarchy Rules:

No Rules.


No duping.

No hacking.

No insulting & swearing.

Anarchy Banned Items:

No banned Items :)!

Pvp Rules:

No griefing.

No hacking.

No duping.

No insulting & swearing.

No racism.

PvP Banned Items:

No banned Items :)!

PvE Rules:

No griefing.

No hacking.

No duping.

No insulting & swearing.

No racism.

PvE Banned Items:

No banned Items :)!

Major Plugins:

sWatchdog (Only for PvE and PvP)




Server Infomation:

StormAnarchy, is a fresh server, with 3 world PvP, PvE and Anarchy, We made the 3 world's so the players got more choice's.

There will also be some events, and much much much more, We also made this server, so the players can have fun, there isn't lagg

that's a great thing, when everything go's great we'll upgrade the server.

Banned Mod's:

Non, cause we are trying to fix almost everything so u guys got all the thing's



Our Staff:








[Mod]Apply at our forums!

I'll hope that i see you in the server,

Additional Info:

Skype: Konijntje.holland1

Minecraft.net: IwanFlying

Server Website: McStormServers.enjin.com

Twitter: Coming soon!




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I'm looking forward to play with you Mr Stormy, Sir i'de also like to apply for a spot on the staff if possible. I am a very nice girl, i am currently apart of staff on another Game called Terraria (dont know if its Relevant or not just to let you know i have experience being a Moderator or admin)

My IGN is: Agent_Whisp

Age: 16

How Long i've been playing the Server: im about to play it now

How Much Experience with Tekkit do you have: I have alot of Experience with Tekkit because its fun!

If theres anything missing from this application let me know and i will edit to be what you want :)

I also hope you take my Application into consideration and allow me to become staff on your server ^-^

Lots of love, Agent_Whisp

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[3.1.2]StormAnarchy [Anarchy/PvE/PvP Worlds] [TekkitRestrict] [24/7] [No Banned Items]

Further down, I see this:

PvP Banned Items:

1. Quantum, Gem Armor, Nano

2. Nano Saber, Red Katar, Red Morning Star, RM/DM Sword. (To balance PvP, we don't want unfair PvP)

And this:

PvE Banned Items:

1. Nukes, Dynamite, Sticky Dynamite, All Catalystic Stuff

You guys should consider changing the topic name, as [No Banned Items] is a pure lie.

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