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Need a coder for permissions


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okay i need help with coding permissions on my tekkit server which will be up soon

if any one can help me code permissionsEX

to work with


bose conomy


you will recive admin rank on my server.

you will send me the code over pastbin

problems i have bin having is that permissionsex is not working at all and does not register essistenals commands.

and when i type /pex it tells me internal server error.

if there are any spelling mistakes sorry i was writing is rush.


sorry forgot worldedit and disablecraft last point is when i use supererms (oping myself) i still cant acess commands

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I know it gets a lot of hate, but I've been using GroupManager for as long as I can remember. I've never had a single problem with it. It goes hand-in-hand with Essentials. In fact I still use it for my server now. If you'd like to give GroupManager a try let me know. I'll see what I can do to get you setup.

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Yea... It really isn't that hard. Google "<insert plugin name here> permission nodes", and follow the instructions on the GroupManager BukkitDev page.

This is very true. Any good server owner should know exactly how his config files are setup. All the same though.

Yea... When you first start out, its a bummer. But the best way to learn is to make mistakes!

Good luck!

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