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Quantumkiller? Should I publically release it?


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Quantumkiller is a plugin, which I created, that allows people to hurt those in full quantum armor, as well as red matter armor, with an item selected by the owner of the server. I have been running this plugin on my server for a month, and it is popular among my PvP server's player base. Should I release this plugin to increase my server's popularity, or to keep it for myself and continue to use it as a marketing gimmick? If you guys were in my shoes, what would you do and why?

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Depends. Do you have it made in such a way that you can have one item damage Quantum, and a different one damage RedMatter?

Also, is it a bukkit plugin or a mod?

Currently, no. The items, which are defined, damages those in any type of armor. However, I was planning on making the plugin so that the stronger the armor (Quantum > Red Matter), the less damage that would be recieved by the attacked player. Also, I should have elaborated that this a bukkit plugin and is configured to work with the areas defined by the plugin "Factions".

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Currently, no. The items, which are defined, damages those in any type of armor. However, I was planning on making the plugin so that the stronger the armor (Quantum > Red Matter), the less damage that would be recieved by the attacked player. Also, I should have elaborated that this a bukkit plugin and is configured to work with the areas defined by the plugin "Factions".

If it's a bukkit plugin, just release it. A mod based on one of the two might have had to comply with certain nonsense elsewhere, but bukkit is fine.

You should totally separate them though. I'd love to play on a server where Mining Lasers were the only way to kill people in RM, and RM Katars were the only way to kill someone in quantum.

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If it's a bukkit plugin, just release it. A mod based on one of the two might have had to comply with certain nonsense elsewhere, but bukkit is fine.

You should totally separate them though. I'd love to play on a server where Mining Lasers were the only way to kill people in RM, and RM Katars were the only way to kill someone in quantum.

Thank-you for the advice. I will try to implement this sugestion before I fully release this plugin. For those still reading, I am still willing to take any more advice or suggestions!

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I would love this idea, and would love to put something like this on my server, RM and Quantum are seriously overpowered. As such I'm obviously biased towards you releasing it to the public ;-)

I would however like to see configurable scalable damage values for a range of user configurable items.

With about 3 seconds thought your config might look like this:

#Vs Quantum

80:30208:1:Mining Laser

55:27572:*:Red Katar

45:30149:*:Nano Saber

#Vs RM/Gem

80:30208:1:Mining Laser

55:27572:*:Red Katar

45:30149:*:Nano Saber

The first value would indicate the scalable bonus damage value (perhaps in percentage so that 100 would equal a 1 hit kill, 0 would inflict the same damage the item does without the plugin) the second value is the item id, the third value is the meta data and the last is the item name.

I find including item names is very important in configs, because there's no possible way your going to memorize items by their ID's so when you go to edit it later you spend 10mins just looking up all the item ids and what they are.

I'd also like to say, don't underestimate the marketing value of: This is our plugin, come here to see it in use the way it was intended. Like it? feel free to download it for yourself. I think you'll find you'll have a large number of users still coming to you for it. (Potentially larger once the plugin becomes more well known.) I'm even quite certain you could potentially make some money out of it. (Not enough to quit your job, but certainly more than you'd get for keeping it to yourself.)

Obviously I've only put about 10mins of thought into this, and have no idea how this would turn into code, my programming skills are pretty much limited to printing "Hello World" in about 50 different coding languages, so I won't hold it against you if you choose not to do this or choose to modify the idea and make it your own.

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