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[3.1.2]JustTekkit[No-PvP][20][S-Vanilla][No Restricted Mods/Items]


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It seems you are experiencing difficulty with your website. As others have, I will revert to explaining myself here, on the forums.

My name is D 4, David, or (as my minecraft name) armsforsale. I am currently 17 years of age with about 5 months experience of technic and 3 months experience of tekkit. I am currently enjoying myself over a semi-friendly open server but have also recently been griefed and nobody seems to care. :/ .

For this reason, I would like to join a Non-PVP to focus on the mods themselves and easily construct my elaborate building designs knowing they will not be destroyed by the whitelisted, friendly folk who are also anti-griefing.

Personally, I believe I am a talented building given the right supplies, I am not to smart when it comes to compact and easy to use inventions using the machines, but hey, everyones not good at anything right?

This being said, I hope you feel I would be a wonderful addition to the crew. If you have any questions/concerns feel free to PM me.

Thank you!

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I would like to join this server. I'm a friendly guy and I've never been banned. I simpy hate griefing and stealing, and I'm not a pvp-er. In-game name: multisolve99. My friend would also like to join, and he is the same kind of guy as me, and his In-game name is: rudio13. We have played tekkit from when it was released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The link did not go anywere so i am using soldiereverdeens app format.

IGN: mitzr

Previous bans: Only once on a server that was getting hacked

Experience: I have played tekkit for a total of about 3-4 weeks

Reasons: I want to join a server were i can experience tekkit to the fullest.

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IGN: ninjamaster834

I know a lot about tekkit (not everything :D ) and i can learn quick, i'm mature, I've never been banned on a server, and I respect the rules.

This is just the kind of server i was looking for.

If i get accepted on the server i would like to set up a company and explore all the elements of tekkit with a nice community.

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Your site seems to be down, so I will post my application here.

IGN: Skywalk21

I think that I would be a great addition to your server. I love the tekkit modpack, and would like to play with others, but any open servers are just filled with griefers and generally unfriendly people. I'd like to be able to play tekkit without having to have a secret hovel underground and being in constant fear that another user is going to trash all of my work.

Hope to hear back soon.

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Hello my name is Sophie i am a respectful and kind person >:D (well i am but i am not when people go over the top)

ign - taleofkingdom (no caps) my friends ign JadePheonix (now she has caps)

My Banned servers i only got temp banned once cause i got blamed for something i didn't do

well i hope this can get me on if not ill just have to take hours finding another server with (NO BANNED ITEMS!) This server will get me to the top level of tekkit so i can start doing some vids. me and my friend would realy like to play on this server yours since Sophie & Jade

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello I am 18 and I would love to join your server. It is just what I was looking for! I am a kind of ok tekkit player, I have played tekkit and mc for a while now. I have been in some peoples videos and own my own server. I am always happy to help out with other servers. :)

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