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Advanced Machine's Mod for Industrial Craft crashes server



Title: 3.1.3 Advanced Machine's Mod for Industrial Craft crashes server

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Windows 7

Java Version: 7u5

Description of Problem:

Upon placing a rotary macerator my client was booted from the server (see error log). This appears to be a conflict concerning the advanced machines mod. This event was re-creatable on a fresh server.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

C:\Program Files\Games\Minecraft\Minecraft Server\Tekkit>java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar

Tekkit.jar nogui

182 recipes

27 achievements

04:59:46 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5

04:59:46 [iNFO] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

04:59:46 [iNFO] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

04:59:46 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading

04:59:46 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Program Files\Games\Minecraft\Minecraft Ser


04:59:47 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

04:59:47 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 38 mods

04:59:47 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized


04:59:47 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized


04:59:47 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

04:59:47 [iNFO] Initializing alchemy values for Equivalent Exchange..

04:59:47 [iNFO] NetherOres: loaded Macerator Recipes

04:59:47 [iNFO] Loading properties

04:59:47 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565

04:59:47 [iNFO] Loaded codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.CommandFreq

04:59:48 [iNFO] [iC2] Config loaded from C:\Program Files\Games\Minecraft\Minecr

aft Server\Tekkit\.\config\IC2.cfg

04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -49 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serve

r.ItemBlock@544d9e2e while adding dan200.computer.shared.ItemComputer@33cc093f

04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -48 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serve

r.ItemBlock@7e89dea3 while adding dan200.computer.shared.ItemPeripheral@d77e03c

04:59:48 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...

04:59:48 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located.

04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ 1237 item slot already occupied by ccSensors.shared.I

temWiFiTransmitter@4b4bee22 while adding ccSensors.shared.ItemWiFiTransmitter@65


04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -41 item slot already occupied by ccSensors.shared.It

emComputerSensorBlock@3598262 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@697ef1


04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: Buildcraft

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: IndustrialCraft2

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: Forestry

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: mod_Forestry not found - SensorModule is disab


04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: RedPower2

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: EquivalentExchange

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: APS

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: mod_BuildcraftAPS not found - SensorModule is


04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: Loading SensorModule: APS

04:59:48 [iNFO] [ccSensors] INFO: mod_ThaumCraft not found - SensorModule is dis


04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -40 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serve

r.ItemBlock@44c5793b while adding dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtle@9a33c3

04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -46 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serve

r.ItemBlock@54a8e52d while adding dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtleExpanded@1c5e18


04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -78 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serve

r.ItemBlock@2ec441bf while adding codechicken.enderstorage.ItemEnderChest@56b87a


04:59:48 [iNFO] CompactSolars: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting

3.2.x, may lead to unexpected behavior

04:59:48 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -204 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.serv

er.ItemWithAuxData@68bce693 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemMobSpawner@49c


04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmp


04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmp


04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmp


04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

04:59:48 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmp


04:59:48 [iNFO] RedPowerCore: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting 3

.1.x, may lead to unexpected behavior

04:59:48 [iNFO] Starting BuildCraft 2.2.14

04:59:48 [iNFO] Copyright © SpaceToad, 2011

04:59:48 [iNFO] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com

04:59:48 [iNFO] [iC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration22x

04:59:48 [iNFO] [iC2] BuildCraft 2.2 integration module loaded

04:59:48 [iNFO] [iC2] Loaded minor compatibility modules: none

04:59:49 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 38 mods loaded

04:59:49 [iNFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-jenkins-Cr

aftBukkit-182 (MC: 1.2.5) (Implementing API version 1.2.5-R5.0-MCPC-SNAPSHOT)

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_BuildCraftEnergy vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_IC2_ChargingBench vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_IronChest vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerWiring vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_MinecraftForge vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerControl vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_BuildCraftCore vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_ImmibisCore vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_BuildCraftFactory vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] [CCPlugin] Loading CCPlugin v1.0

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_IC2 vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerMachine vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_BuildCraftBuilders vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerLighting vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_NetherOres vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerWorld vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_ComputerCraft vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_EE vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_TubeStuff vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_BuildCraftTransport vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_NotEnoughItems vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_PowerConverters vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_AdditionalPipes vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_Railcraft vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_IC2AdvancedMachines vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_CCTurtle vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerCore vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_RedPowerLogic vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_IC2NuclearControl vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_ModularForceFieldSystem vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_ImmiChunkLoaders vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_ccSensors vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_CompactSolars vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_EnderStorage vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_WirelessRedstoneCore vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading Balkon's WeaponMod vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Loading mod_CodeChickenCore vForgeMod

04:59:49 [iNFO] Preparing level "world"

04:59:49 [iNFO] Default game type: 0

04:59:49 [iNFO] Registering world world, dimension 0, of providertype net.minecr

aft.server.WorldProviderNormal@230f470f(0) with Minecraft Forge

04:59:49 [iNFO] Registering world world_the_end, dimension 1, of providertype ne

t.minecraft.server.WorldProviderTheEnd@37cbcec3(0) with Minecraft Forge

04:59:49 [iNFO] Registering world world_nether, dimension -1, of providertype ne

t.minecraft.server.WorldProviderHell@3af7063e(0) with Minecraft Forge

04:59:49 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -2140105965121338813)

04:59:49 [WARNING] Could not get information about this CraftBukkit version; per

haps you are running a custom one?: FileNotFoundException

04:59:50 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 610339955772125005)

04:59:50 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%

04:59:51 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -2140105965121338813)

04:59:51 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 56%

04:59:51 [iNFO] [CCPlugin] Enabling CCPlugin v1.0

04:59:51 [iNFO] [CCPlugin] CCPlugin version 1.0 enabled.

04:59:51 [iNFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it

04:59:52 [iNFO] Done (2.592s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

04:59:52 [sEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: i


int, boolean)

04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(Network


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at ic2.advancedmachines.TileEntityAdvancedMachine.q_(Til


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:11


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServe


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftSer


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(Sour


04:59:52 [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.Netwo

rkManager.initiateTileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean)

04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)

04:59:52 [sEVERE]      at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(Network


04:59:52 [sEVERE]      ... 5 more

04:59:52 [sEVERE] Unexpected exception

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.Networ

kManager.initiateTileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean)

        at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(NetworkHelper.java:62)

        at ic2.advancedmachines.TileEntityAdvancedMachine.q_(TileEntityAdvancedM


        at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1189)

        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:559)

        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:457)

        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.NetworkManager.initiate

TileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean)

        at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)

        at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(NetworkHelper.java:49)

        ... 5 more


21 answers to this question

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  • 0

There's a bug in the port of that specific IC2 version that I guess the technic guys or the guy who ported it missed, the API in several places is using the wrong package for some entity classes so it's not a compatibility issue and updating advanced machines wont help as its specifically a problem with IC2.

  • 0

Removing your advanced machines before the upgrade won't help much unless you plan on preventing people from using them after the upgrade, I suggest just not upgrading until it's fixed by technic.

  • 0

I don't see why not, unless another mod depends on AM which I'm pretty sure none do, but you will have to make sure every single AM block is out of the world or it will probably crash when one of the chunks is loaded.

  • 0

My server was getting the same errors, so I downgraded to remove all of the machines and it's fine now. The induction furnace still works though, I smelted a bunch of stuff at 100% heat and no problems at all but when power is applied to any of the other advanced machines, the server crashes and I get booted.

EDIT: It may be worth noting that for me at least, I can place any of the advanced machines just fine - it only crashes when power is applied to them.

  • 0

This issue with IC2 isn't just limited to advanced machines, if you use uninsulated wires in a power network it will crash because of the same issue, plus I've not tested it but looking at the code if you use any of the batbox/mfe/mfsu carts in railcraft it should crash with the same thing too, all in all this port of IC2 is no bueno... It's a relatively simple fix though, hopefully it gets fixed up pretty quick.

  • 0

19:30:25 [sEVERE] Unexpected exception

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: energyStored

        at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood.updateEntity(PipePowerWood.java:67)

        at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.q_(TileGenericPipe.java:156)

        at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1189)

        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:559)

        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:457)

        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)

Wooden Energy Pipe, I presume?

Yes, I've removed AM blocks, and now I'm getting this error.

  • 0

Yeah that one is because of the update in railcraft, which contains a buildcraft API which is a later version than the buildcraft mod on the server and buildcraft's api is then overwritten by railcrafts implementation of it, in which the energy storage stuff has changed from integer to float in that version, it's trickier to solve but the easiest way to do it is remove the buildcraft API from the new railcraft jar, but if you do then you have to either update the TileEntityRockCrusher class to use the old api or just not use the rock crusher at all, or it will give the same error again.

  • 0

If you've crashed your server due to this - delete the advanced machines mod in your mods directly, and start up the server. This will replace all the advanced machines w/ air blocks. Then reinstall tekkit.

  • 0

If you've crashed your server due to this - delete the advanced machines mod in your mods directly, and start up the server. This will replace all the advanced machines w/ air blocks. Then reinstall tekkit.

This worked for me. Thanks a lot for this tip.

  • 0

Replace the buildcraft/api in the railcraft zip with the buildcraft/api in the buildcraft core zip for both the client and server to fix the error you had after removing advanced machines. Rock Crushers will also have to be removed FYI.

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