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Extra Mods

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When I tried modding my regular mine craft, I tried over and over again.I have a mac on mountain lion. Minecraft 1.4.4. I figured I should give up on that.Then, when i got tekkit, there was a folder filled with its mods.I dragged a mod I wanted into that folder and when I looked in my inventory, the zeppelin mod items were there!When I right clicked the zepplin control block, an error message said the mod was not installed correctly.Can somebody help me with this?

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The items from that mod were in tekkit, and I could place them, but the error message came, so thanks.

Are you sure that they were in Tekkit? I just checked my Tekkit client and my server, neither of them have the Zeppelin mod installed. They are running 3.1.2, are you running a different version of Tekkit?

About the picture, it means that you did something wrong.

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