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Error Unzipping Custom Pack


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  • Discord Moderator
  • Always provide the API URL or a link to the pack's platform page when requesting custom modpack assistance. WIthout this we will be unable to provide a comprehensive analysis.
  • Dropbox public links should be altered in the following manner: Change "www" to "dl". Change "dropbox" to "dropboxusercontent". Remove any trailing "?dl=0" or "?dl=1" (including the question mark).
  • You should not be altering the names of your mod JAR files in any way except in extremely uncommon, specific circumstances. Yes, this means you should re-download every single mod in your pack to correct this issue.
  • You should not be including the /mods/Voxelmods/ folder in your modpack archive. This will overwrite client settings each time the pack is updated.
  • The error message you included does not provide sufficient information. Please close the Launcher, remove any existing Launcher log files, start the Launcher and try to install the pack. Close the Launcher if it fails and provide the Launcher log in a Pastebin Service
  • Bear in mind that your pack is extremely large and will likely not function on machines with less than 8G of RAM with 3-4G allocated in the Launcher.
Edited by plowmanplow
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