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Where do I put YogBox Bugs?

I downloaded the "Latest" Version for 1.2.5, but I got this:

Mods loaded: 30

ModLoader 1.2.5

mod_BE MC: 1.2.3 ; BE: 1.2.3

mod_ingameInfo 1.2.5.d modified by bspkrs

mod_keepInventory SSP 1.0


mod_moreHealthRPG V2.2 MC 1.2.4

mod_MoreXp MoreXp

mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_06 [1.2.5]

mod_Shelf 1.2.5

mod_Stackables 1.2.5

mod_startingInventory 1.2.5.a updated by bspkrs

mod_StatusEffectHUD v1.12 (1.2.5)

mod_treecapitator 1.2.5.ebpdated by bspkrs

mod_Allocator 1.0.0

mod_ChestTrap 1.0.0

mod_Fan 1.0.0

mod_JumpPad 1.0.0

mod_Pfaeff 1.0.0

mod_adventureItems 0.4

mod_airship Airships V2.5 for Post-Release: 1.2.3

mod_Armor 1.2.5

mod_AS_BattleTowers 1.1.0 @ MC 1.2.5

mod_betterDungeons 0.932

mod_CraftingTableIII (Beta1.8, MC1.2.5)

mod_mocreatures v3.6.2 (MC 1.2.5)

mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)

mod_Millenaire 2.7.4

mod_MineColony MineColony rc18a for Minecraft 1.2.5

mod_Minions 1.2.4 @ MC 1.2.5

Balkon's WeaponMod 1.2.5 v8.6.0


      Minecraft has crashed!     



Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.





--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 46372ed2 --------

Generated 20.11.12 15:43


Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5

OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1

Java: 1.7.0_09, Oracle Corporation

VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: GeForce GTS 250/PCIe/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 109 is already occupied by nr@1336ab6 when adding BlockHutBarracks@a312f1

at pb.<init>(Block.java:249)

at agy.<init>(BlockContainer.java:7)

at sn.<init>(BlockChest.java:12)

at BlockHutBarracks.<init>(BlockHutBarracks.java:9)

at mod_MineColony.load(mod_MineColony.java:659)

at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:891)

at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)

at ahu.<init>(ahu.java:77)

at ahu.<clinit>(ahu.java:8)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:423)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:790)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

--- END ERROR REPORT 4d517998 ----------


  "TheEisbaer said:
Where do I put YogBox Bugs?

*error omitted*

The yogbox doesn't have a bug thread on the technic website any longer. Your problem is an ID conflict, just change the ID of the item/block that's conflicting through the mod's config


  "Jorcer said:
This made me very happy :)

  "HDScorpio said:

Fair warning: Don't post in there. No one will read them, and you'll just get more frustrated. However, the fix for the most commonly reported problem with the "final" version of YogBox is still in there as a sticky.


  "Torezu said:
Fair warning: Don't post in there. No one will read them, and you'll just get more frustrated. However, the fix for the most commonly reported problem with the "final" version of YogBox is still in there as a sticky.

That is why it made me happy, because I knew what you were getting at.

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