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Interfacing with EE


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Hello everyone!

I am designing a plugin that sells the item you are holding based on it's EMC value from the Equivalent Exchange Mod. I have everything working but, I would rather not have to define every item and it's emc value in the config, so I was wondering if there was a way to import and store the values directly from EE itself.

I have seen plugins that are able to modify the EMC value of an item such as TekkitRestrict or CustomEMC, so I assume that it is possible to accomplish what I am attempting.

I am developing this using Bukkit Version 1.2.5 R5 since this is for a tekkit server.

Any help would be great!

I posted on the Dev Bukkit forums but they redirected me here.

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Try decompiling TekkitRestrict. I found this in /a/a/a/a/a/a.class. Looks like you'll need to import ee.EEMaps, which is most likely a file in the bukkit port on mcportcentral.

if ((localHashMap2 = (HashMap)EEMaps.alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(localj.a))) != null)



  paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");

  EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);




  (localHashMap2 = new HashMap()).put(Integer.valueOf(i1),Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(paramArrayOfString[4])));

  paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");

  EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);


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Try decompiling TekkitRestrict. I found this in /a/a/a/a/a/a.class. Looks like you'll need to import ee.EEMaps, which is most likely a file in the bukkit port on mcportcentral.

if ((localHashMap2 = (HashMap)EEMaps.alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(localj.a))) != null)



  paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");

  EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);




  (localHashMap2 = new HashMap()).put(Integer.valueOf(i1),Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(paramArrayOfString[4])));

  paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");

  EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);


Hmm, I've found and imported the EEmaps file, is there a decompiler your recommend?

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Okay, so I currently have:

public static void testID(Player player, Integer sellAMT)


        ItemStack stack = player.getInventory().getItemInHand();

        int itemID = stack.getTypeId();

        int emc;

        try {

              Class<?> equivexmaps = Class.forName("ee.EEMaps");

              Method getEMC = equivexmaps.getMethod("getEMC", int.class);

              emc = getEMC(itemID);

            } catch (Exception ex) {


        if(emc > 0){

        sellStack(player, emc, sellAMT);


            player.sendMessage("The item you are trying to sell has not been added to the EMC database");




However, at this point:


emc = getEMC(itemID);


I get the error: "The method getEMC(int) is undefined for the type emcshopMain"


I thought I defined the method in the line above. What's up with that?



The method I'm getting is in EEMaps.class:

public static int getEMC(int var0)


    return getEMC(var0, 0);





There are actually 3 methods I could choose from, which would be best? I want to input the Item ID and get the EMC value


  public static int getEMC(ItemStack var0)


    return getEMC(var0.id, var0.getData()) == 0 ? 0 : getEMC(var0.id) > 0 ? getEMC(var0.id) : var0.d() ? (int)(getEMC(var0.id) * ((var0.i() - var0.getData()) / var0.i())) : var0 == null ? 0 : getEMC(var0.id, var0.getData());



  public static int getEMC(int var0)


    return getEMC(var0, 0);



  public static int getEMC(int var0, int var1)


    return ((HashMap)alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(var0))).get(Integer.valueOf(var1)) == null ? 0 : alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(var0)) == null ? 0 : ((Integer)((HashMap)alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(var0))).get(Integer.valueOf(var1))).intValue();



I got it working, thanks for the help!

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