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how to access forge


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Blightfall uses an older Forge version, 1291, located in the C:\Users\*YourWindowsUserName*\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\blightfall\bin folder. It's renamed to modpack.jar

If you want to try a newer one, grab the latest Forge Universal jar  for 1.7.10 (it's version 1614) from https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html

and rename the the old modpack.jar to modpack.old, and name the new forge file you just grabbed to modpack.jar and put it in that directory. 

Blightfall is a highly customized pack, this could break things or not work at all, but give it a shot. 

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