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all packs will go offline after downloading a pack



Whenever I download a pack every pack I have says its offline I'm able to fix it temporarily with this command prompt setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true that I found in a forum that a admin posted as a fix but I found out that it was for the older version please help me fix this permanently because everytime I download a mudpack I need to enter that to make all the packs online again.

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This is what is inside that batch file


@ECHO off
ECHO Report any issues related to this script to [email protected]
ECHO If you did not download this script from uskarian.net then cease execution of this script immediately! The validity of the script cannot be assured.
ECHO Description of script:
ECHO This script will stop any running javaw processes. This means any programs that are created in Java will be stopped. This includes Minecraft and the Technic launcher. Then it will wipe system & user set Java environment variables.
ECHO Liability:
ECHO This script is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. You cannot hold us accountable for any claim, damages, or other liability, under any circumstance.
ECHO By agreeing to continue the execution of this script. You're agreeing to not hold us accountable for any sort of damages.

SET /P c=Do you wish to continue executing this script?[Y/N]
IF /I "%c%" EQU "Y" GOTO :continue
IF /I "%c%" EQU "N" GOTO :exit
GOTO :choice

echo User canceled further execution of script.

::kill any currently running java processes
ECHO Killing any running javaw.exe processes(If this errors. That's fine.)
TASKKILL /f /im javaw.exe
::override user set java variables messing with launcher
::Clears the system variable _JAVA_OPTIONS
ECHO Wiping system wide java options
::Clears the local variable _JAVA_OPTIONS
ECHO Wiping user account java options
::To let you know if it failed or was successful. Just press esc or enter.

  • 0
2 minutes ago, AetherPirate said:


This is what is inside that batch file


@ECHO off
ECHO Report any issues related to this script to [email protected]
ECHO If you did not download this script from uskarian.net then cease execution of this script immediately! The validity of the script cannot be assured.
ECHO Description of script:
ECHO This script will stop any running javaw processes. This means any programs that are created in Java will be stopped. This includes Minecraft and the Technic launcher. Then it will wipe system & user set Java environment variables.
ECHO Liability:
ECHO This script is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. You cannot hold us accountable for any claim, damages, or other liability, under any circumstance.
ECHO By agreeing to continue the execution of this script. You're agreeing to not hold us accountable for any sort of damages.

SET /P c=Do you wish to continue executing this script?[Y/N]
IF /I "%c%" EQU "Y" GOTO :continue
IF /I "%c%" EQU "N" GOTO :exit
GOTO :choice

echo User canceled further execution of script.

::kill any currently running java processes
ECHO Killing any running javaw.exe processes(If this errors. That's fine.)
TASKKILL /f /im javaw.exe
::override user set java variables messing with launcher
::Clears the system variable _JAVA_OPTIONS
ECHO Wiping system wide java options
::Clears the local variable _JAVA_OPTIONS
ECHO Wiping user account java options
::To let you know if it failed or was successful. Just press esc or enter.

So you think by clearing the data in all the files will fix the issue? Idk much about all this.

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, AetherPirate said:

It is worth a shot, it sounds like something is setting Java environment variables that are messing you up. 

Idk why but it seemed to have gone away I haven't downloaded the link you posted yet but I think it fixed itself I'm so confused maybe the setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in command prompt that a admin posted in a forum fixed it idk but if it all says offline again ill be sure to download that and give it a try. Also for typing things into command prompt and downloading the thing you told me to is it somehow possible to get banned for that? I'm pretty paranoid so I'm just making sure.

Edited by rambo1218
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No, the batch file I provided is from the Technic Discord help forum. You could also disable IP6 on your computer, I read your error after having some coffee and realized your fix makes Java use IP4 instead of IP6 anyway, the thing I provide would not help anyway. 

  • 0
11 hours ago, AetherPirate said:

No, the batch file I provided is from the Technic Discord help forum. You could also disable IP6 on your computer, I read your error after having some coffee and realized your fix makes Java use IP4 instead of IP6 anyway, the thing I provide would not help anyway. 

Ok thanks for letting me know I'm not sure if the fix I found fixed it or if it fixed itself but it seems to have gone away for now. Thanks for the help and if this problem comes up again I will disable IP6 and see if that works anyways thanks for your time. And just to be 100 percent sure are you completely sure that the setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net in command prompt cant cause a ban or anything bad?

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