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Hey I'm pretty new to technic so I'm having a few troubles so sorry in advance if I've done something like placed my problem in the wrong topic. But recently I started making my own modpack using a video and after awhile of fiddling with a few things I got my pack to launch on technic, but I've seen this as a common problem as my pack launched and I know it downloaded the mods but it launched as vanilla. I checked for mod compatibility beforehand and purged the mods that didn't work so I don't believe that's the problem. I've tried to look at other people's common problems but never got a real fix even when changing things such as changing the dropbox link with things such as =1, but in the end found no solution. So hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help a nooby such as me, sorry for any inconveniences!


The Raw Dropbox Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gs2gnga4fse4ls/modpack.zip?dl=0

Link To Download Pack In Technic: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/kazoo-fun.1273883

The Tutorial I Watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er1_JIxr650 (If you for some reason needed it)




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Posted (edited)

you didn't pay attention when you compressed the modpack.

you have a modpack zip, yes

but when I opened that zip I found another modpack that is .rar compressed. The launcher can't connect to any folders if you compress your modpack inside a modpack

don't use Winrar, use 7zip and make sure you ZIP it, not RAR.

And when you ZIP it, don't zip the modpack folder, zip the contents inside the modpack,the 3 folders called mods, config and bin. The zip that is then compressed is what you send to Dropbox

Edit. A problem with these yt videos is that everyone seems to ignore the testing of modpacks. ALWAYS test your modpack before sending it to Platform.

You do this by putting the mods in a clean client. Technic launcher has Vanilla "modpack". That is a clean client.

Install the vanilla, make sure it is the MC version that your mods are, run Vanilla to check that it works.

Then close it and close the launcher, search %appdata% -> Roaming -> .technic to find the vanilla folder. Put your forge and mods in their respective folders in Vanilla "modpack" folders

Now close that window and start the launcher and run the Vanilla "modpack". Start a new world and check if the mods are in. If they are, good, close the game and launcher and go back to the folders to check the config folder. It should have made some new files based on what mods you ran with Vanilla. Those config files is needed for your modpack

if the mods were not in or if the game crashed when you started a world, you did something wrong. Maybe you missed a dependency for a mod or you chucked 100 mods directly onto vanilla. Don't do that, take babysteps


double-Edit. This also doesn't belong in Technic launcher bug reports, as this is a custom pack creation.
moved to Platform Pagoda

Edited by Munaus

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