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I dont know whats wrong with the launcher but it keeps saying its offline even though im online. restarting my computer seems to work a couple of times but not for long. and just letting you know im new to stuff like this.

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9 hours ago, BroTaterTot said:

I dont know whats wrong with the launcher but it keeps saying its offline even though im online. restarting my computer seems to work a couple of times but not for long. and just letting you know im new to stuff like this.

First question is always: did you try to restart it? Counts for reïnstalling in these cases too. You can try to reïnstall the launcher and all its components, and if that doesn't work: start the launcher, go to launcher options -> Show console. Restart the launcher to get full information from startup and give us a copy of the console. I'm quite old to the platform and haven't done anything with it for a while so idk if this is the right thing to do.

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