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I'm a proud member of the technickpack forums.

And i saw there whas no wiki for the Voltz.

So here im beginning on the Voltz wiki.

Everbody can contribute, but also everbody must help maintenance the wiki.

I hope everybdoy will enjoy the wiki and i hope some people can also help me with the layout

and maintenance of the wiki.

TheVoltz Wikia

Greetings, from Neusor The maker of TheVoltz Wikia


  "Neusor said:
I'm a proud member of the technickpack forums.

And i saw there whas no wiki for the Voltz.

So here im beginning on the Voltz wiki.

Everbody can contribute, but also everbody must help maintenance the wiki.

I hope everybdoy will enjoy the wiki and i hope some people can also help me with the layout

and maintenance of the wiki.

TheVoltz Wikia

Greetings, from Neusor The maker of TheVoltz Wikia

Well, this is... Awkward, I just started making a starters guide for Voltz XD


  "M-C said:
Well, this is... Awkward, I just started making a starters guide for Voltz XD

well we not only need an starters guide but also an wiki ;)

Maybe you can help?


  "Neusor said:
well we not only need an starters guide but also an wiki ;)

Maybe you can help?

I'd love to help! :)

EDIT: I've also made a tutorial on how to make a server, maybe that's a good thing to include in the wiki?


  "Neusor said:
yes it is

Okay, made a wikia account :P

EDIT: Made the mods list

EDIT 2: server setup is done


  "Calclavia said:
It'll be helpful if you would copy all the old stuff over to this official wiki. :)

If you want you can put my server setup guide in the official wiki aswell.


  "Calclavia said:
Please write a German translation on our official wiki instead of making your own wiki. It will help organize things a lot.

I'm sorry but I don't quite understand how this would help organizing... I don't see a way of translating articles in your official wiki either.

I can understand that you don't want to have 100s of English wikis, but why would you be against a German ressource while I currently don't see ANY other German Voltz wiki nor articles. There're only a few YouTube-videos (some of them made by me).

So, I want to give German Voltz-users a place where they can both meet and talk to others and find a detailed wiki with valuable German Voltz-information. Really, I don't want to compete with the official wiki or anything. It's quite the opposite. I would love to cooperate with you. I could redirect English users to you (I own some German Voltz-related domains, too) while you redirect the German ones to me. This would even be less work for you...


  "Neusor said:
I'm a proud member of the technickpack forums.

And i saw there whas no wiki for the Voltz.

So here im beginning on the Voltz wiki.

Everbody can contribute, but also everbody must help maintenance the wiki.

I hope everybdoy will enjoy the wiki and i hope some people can also help me with the layout

and maintenance of the wiki.

TheVoltz Wikia

Greetings, from Neusor The maker of TheVoltz Wikia

I went to it and it said the wiki was closed. Here is a wiki I found that isn't closed: http://voltz.wikia.com/wiki/Voltz_Wiki

It isn't complete but seems legit. Unless the name "thevoltz.wikia.com" opens up, I hope it becomes the official one.

Edit: I just realized that there is already an official one, it just isn't on wikia: http://voltzwiki.com/wiki/Voltz_Wiki However the wikia one is prettier.

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