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not sure if this is right place...


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Hello Everyone!

I'm not sure where to actually post this thread..so if its in the wrong place I am very sorry!

I'm seeking to pay those who create addons/mods for the Tekkit servers. In otherwords,those who make mods and addons for Tekkit/bukkit Dev..to make specific types of addons for servers. If possible that is. I am not used to doing forum type talk,so please don't be rude if you do not understand what I am saying. thank you

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I'm confused. You want to.... pay? the modders that created the mods? There is a donate button on the front page, go look.

And mods that are not used in tekkit... well they are not in tekkit probably cuz they are outdated, buggy or *add any reasonable reason that tekkit would remove a mod*.

Giving your email is a good idea if you feel the need to get spampost.

Also, your showing us all that you haven't read the rules, plz read them.

Other than that, OP, your not making much sense... try editing your post, perhaps?

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