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Hi I was looking for a better way to manage my minecraft server and I ran across MCmyadmin. I was wondering if anyone has used this to monitor their tekkit server? does it work with Tekkit? any funky configs, etc?

if not can anyone recommend any software that does a similar function or at least a decent backup program or plugin?



I'm pretty sure it's not. IIRC it is the one that always gets confused with the backdoor riddled mod. I think the one you're thinking of is called "MCadmin"? maybe? I can never remember.


if not can anyone recommend any software that does a similar function or at least a decent backup program or plugin?

I have not used MCmyadmin before but for backups I have been using a plugin called "Backup"

Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/backup/

It has worked perfect for me so far, I have had to restore from the backups it makes several times and it is quick and easy. It lets you pick the interval you want backups done in (minutes, hours, days, or weeks) and by default doesn't make backups when the server is empty. It compresses the world, nether, and end files into separate, timestamped .zip files in folders like: <world> and <world>_nether, so you can restore only the part you need.

It cycles through whatever number of backups you want to retain.

I have also been using "RemoteToolkit": http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-remotetoolkit-r10-a13-restarts-crash-detection-auto-saves-remote-console-1-2-3.674/page-13

RemoteToolkit will restart your server automatically in the event of a crash and allows you to schedule periodic restarts and automatically warn the players before the server restarts. It has Telnet support for remote administration but you shouldn't use it. It has worked nicely for me so far.

I should mention that the server I run only has a total of three players, counting myself. I do not know how these perform on a larger, more active server. The backups in particular may cause problems, I have 61 hours backed up so far and they are taking ~5 gigs of space.

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